Psoriasis — pictures, symptoms, treatment

This disease results in the appearance on the skin of red spots, which are constantly concerned with the place of skin rashes, itching, which prevents a fulfilling life. When complications are possible pop-up cuidam arthritico joint pain.


The quality of life in people who have similar problems, reduced. And even if the general condition is often not much worse, the usual lifestyle changes. This is a serious unaesthetic skin disease brings a lot of inconvenience, for example, the inability to wear skimpy clothes or the sauna or the beaches.

In some cases, psoriasis causes suffering, comparable with serious diseases, such as heart failure, severe forms of hypertension or postinfarction state. The danger is the gain of itching, because the conpositis demere rapta places appear to be difficult to heal the wounds.

The complexity of this disease that is practically incurable. All that is offered by the pharmaceutical industry currently, it gives a temporary result. And those measures, such as psychotherapy, vitamin complexes, and the diet, allow only improve a bit the status.

The symptoms of psoriasis

  • The appearance of plaques of silver;
  • Desquamation of places defeat;
  • Hemophilia areas where it's coming out of the skin.

These are classic signs of the disease, may vary depending on the type of disease. There are different views of the psoriasis, the different intensity of flow and a combination of symptoms.

The symptoms</2_img>

Irritation and redness may form in any location of the human body, but in most of the areas defeats become the elbows, hands, back, knees and feet. Other symptoms of psoriasis may be:

  • Detachment of the nail plate;
  • The appearance of the dimples on the nails;
  • Discoloration of the nail, the yellowish appearance;
  • The pain in the joints;
  • The increased sensitivity of the skin;
  • The swelling.

Phase of development

The course of the disease dermatologists conventionally divided into several stages. This is important because the disease is often chronic. The experts have the possibility of observing, in the course of the disease and determine the correct method of treatment.

  1. The initial phase is characterized by a further deterioration, which is expressed in the case of an increase of skin rashes. Psoriasis the initial phase you can see in the picture. Important the testimony of a progressive disease – the emergence of peeling plaques of red color with free chips on-board. And the redness spreads rapidly, scales do not cover the entire surface of the inflammation.
  2. The progressive phase. In this period new skin rashes, ibi papules grow. Originally introduced elements actively sloughed off. A positive isomorphic reaction, when on the field the defeat of the skin and form new papules.
  3. Fixed the stage. In this phase, the rash becomes less cease to appear in new plates, the papules won't grow. All places defeat covered with scales, and bands of redness around the platelets are not present.
  4. Regression – the most important phase of the treatment of psoriasis, it is shown that the aggravation of the disease behind, after the treatment was very effective and gave a positive result. The main task of this stage – to prevent the exacerbation. The regressus phase, platelets become almost invisible, flaking finished, on the field of injury form whitish or brownish marks.

Division diseases in phase depends on the current activity of the inflammatory process. On the basis of the harvest to the clinical manifestations of the disease, which is more red and more papules, the more goes to the process. A manifestation of the activity of psoriasis are visible in the picture.

The causes of psoriasis

Many are interested in the question, the psoriasis is contagious or not? To begin with, it is worth to understand the causes of the onset of psoriasis. They are not contracted to contact, through common towels, objects of hygiene or by a handshake. Very often the disease occurs in young people, aged between 18-25 years.

The main factors that contribute to the development of the disease, they become:
  • Genetic predisposition. The disease can develop in first-degree relatives;
  • Frequent cause of stress, nervous stress, strong emotional shock;
  • It could be a disease of the endocrine system;
  • Disorders of the metabolism, in particular, the lack of silicon in the human body, beri-beri;
  • Intestinal diseases and viruses.

It is worth mentioning that immune imbalance in the body causes the appearance of skin rashes. This was when their cells show aggression to the tissues, is reflected on the skin. A direct link between the development of the disease and the state of the intestine.

People with parasitic infections intestinal, often subject to diseases of the skin. Pathogenic intestinal diseases in the long term the existence in the blood emit toxins that cause immune imbalance. Later appears the psoriasis.

Methods of treatment of psoriasis

Many experts believe that this is a disease almost incurable. A clear pattern of treatment of psoriasis does not exist, each case is treated individually. Because psoriasis is a phenomenon that has been little studied, the main cause of its appearance is considered overload and emotional disorders of the immune system.

The most surprising thing is that the psoriasis can just as suddenly disappear, how to appear. Logical explanation for the causes of this surprise medicine can not provide. How to cure psoriasis?

In the first place, it is necessary to understand that treatment must be complete. First of all, the patient appointment medicines for local use. If there is no result, then you connect the pharmacological treatment.

Necessarily the complex includes:
  1. Than the daily routine.
  2. Special hypoallergenic diet.
  3. Attitude of mind, liberation from the emotional and physical.

Non-steroid drugs to relieve the inflammation are prescribed in case of problems with the joints, in the composition of an active material – ibuprofen, which relieves pain. When more serious violations are used, special sampling of the joints.

Some forms of psoriasis treated liquid paraffin appliques, irradiation. To relieve the inflammation in an advanced stage of the disease also apply ointments, in the presence of infection are prescribed medications, containing antibiotics.


A good result showing laser treatment, phototherapy, cryotherapy. Psoriasis in the head treated with the application of humilis-interest sulfur, salicylic formulations. After the passage of a disease in the stationary phase is applied an ointment psoriasis with keratolytic effect .

The diet in psoriasis

The treatment of psoriasis always done individually, but in any case, it is necessary to establish a proper diet and clean the body from toxins that cause the development of the disease. Competent diet and detoxification of the body for the success of the treatment.

During the composition of a diet you should pay particular attention to the products that contain the sufficient quantity of vitamins and minerals. For an effective treatment in the body must receive the following substances:

  1. Medications that contain silicon. This mineral is part of the sorbent, which lists all of the antigenic complex from the body through the intestines. On the other hand, is involved in the improvement of the structure of the skin, which is important in this disease.
  2. The vitamin D and calcium. The fact is that calcium is only absorbed with vitamin D. the Complex participates in the stabilization of cell membranes. The medicines are assigned during the period of stabilization or remission.
  3. Cod-liver oil. Inflammatory processes are always accompanied death of the cells. For their recovery and the maintenance of the immune system, antioxidants are needed. To restore the balance, we recommend the intake of omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil. It is a powerful aktioksidant, which helps to cope with psoriasis.
  4. The lecithin. The epithelial cells with psoriasis actively dying, for the update of the coverage of the skin requires a construction material that — phospholipids, a source that supports the lecithin. Allows you to stop the inflammation and restore the cover of the skin.

Universal diet, which is indicated for psoriasis, does not exist. The diet should discuss it with your doctor. But there are some general guidelines for the preparation of a menu. You should pay particular attention to products that are not recommended for use during the treatment period.

It is worth giving up all the foods that cause allergies, or cause the development of the disease. It is advisable to reduce salt intake, eliminate completely its unlikely. Worth removing from the diet fried, salted, canned, smoked, dishes, products containing preservatives, flavor enhancers, dyes.

Exclusion are sweet, sweets, all carbohydrates fast. It is strictly forbidden the consumption of alcohol!

In the diet must be present useful food and drinks. Be sure to include in the menu of fish, lean meat, cooking, preferably non-fat, bake, boil, or simmer. You should eat regularly fresh fruit and berries, with the exception of citrus fruits, and strawberries. Every day, drink milk drinks, herbal.

Proper nutrition allows you to manage such a nuisance, such as psoriasis.

Treatment at home

In addition to complying with the diet at the house of a man having the disease, must adhere to the following rules:

  • The careful care of the skin. In need of additional protection, we can't allow the damage of the skin, because any kind of abrasion and crack can become inflamed. This disease often occurs secondary to inflammation, which can lead to suppuration;
  • For one period of treatment it is worth to give up the use of cosmetics, nails, it is better to cut short, in psoriasis also suffer, become fragile, exfoliate;
  • It is not worth to be under the direct light of the sun. You can take the sun, but a short period of time. Prolonged exposure to the sun's rays may cause a worsening injury to the dermis;
  • It is necessary to eliminate the impact of stress factors and to guide efforts to improve the immunity. It is recommended to take vitamin complexes, sport, tempered.


Psoriasis is a disease that leads to the individual character. As has shown research, is not transmitted from person to person. It is worth to understand that self-medication can do, the disease is a threat, improper handling can cause a variety of complications. It is not recommended during the treatment, comb through the damaged areas.

Preventive measures for the prevention of disease include the following:
  1. Give up bad habits. Smokers are more likely to appearance of the disease, compared to non-smokers. The cigarette smoke reduces the immune system and poisons the body, obstruction to the circulation of the blood, which causes the appearance of plaques.
  2. Intake of medicines can cause the disease, the side effects of beta-blockers and drugs with lithium. Before their employment should consult a specialist.
  3. Keep the immunity. Prevent diseases of infectious nature, in a timely manner to cure the common cold and other viral diseases. In some cases, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes.

It is necessary to exercise properly the care of the skin, maintaining its wet is essential. For this it is necessary to check the normal level of humidity in the room, to abandon the use of air conditioners that dry the air. The body is moistened with the help of lotions, creams and oils after the treatment of the water.

With caution it is worth of choosing cosmetic products, cosmetic products must be of high quality. For the care of the skin is advisable to use natural remedies. Damages the use of chemicals, domestic animals must be carried out with gloves, as the chemicals can damage even healthy skin.

The water soothes and purifies the skin, the water treatments – part mandatory the prevention and treatment of psoriasis. In the warmer months you can apply pour fresh water, while in the winter, take a herbal bath. The hard cunt and scrubs, you better give up.

The clothes should choose natural materials, for you do not deterioratus the skin and lacked the air. Ideal – things cotton.


Prevention of psoriasis requires a special attention to a correct style of life and power, but also the hygiene of the skin. If you follow the tips and maintain your health, it is possible to reduce to a minimum the risk of the onset of psoriasis, reduce the severity of the disease.