The treatment of psoriasis: the list of the most effective tools

Psoriasis is one of the most mysterious and ill have to cure diseases. Get rid of it once and for all is impossible. The only thing you can count on with the patients, for this is the completion of the reception of remission. In addition, the unification and the mainstream world by the medical community methodologies for the treatment of psoriasis does not exist, and no medicine, one hundred percent guaranteed the offensive of remission.

The treatment of psoriasis

The tactics of treatment, carry out this great disease of the skin depends on a number of parameters:

  • The type of psoriasis;
  • The age of the patient;
  • The availability of attendant pathologies;
  • The severity and chronology of exacerbations;
  • The location and size of the lesions.

The treatment of psoriasis is almost always complex: the part of medicines and procedures, aims to eliminate the root cause of psoriatic exacerbation, the part designed to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, and the part required to hold own the body's defenses. The sad thing is that almost half of the patients did not help any of the three approaches for the treatment of psoriasis. And the drug, which has allowed thousands of people to lead to psoriasis in the example of the remission in some years, may, with great probability have no effect on the other thousand.

In this article, we will discuss all the currently known tools and methodologies for the treatment of psoriasis, even the most controversial, and try to give the answer to the question of where to begin for the man, he heard from the doctor disappointing the diagnosis. Popular use of methods, procedures, and medications, have managed to collect a huge statistics of your performance.

Comparative analysis of efficiency of methods of treatment of psoriasis

According to the results of numerous studies of people who suffer from psoriasis, the hit parade the best treatments for this disease, is:

  • 37% - Ointment base oil refining;
  • 33% - Compliance with a special diet – that is, the rejection of products, the use of which causes the worsening of psoriasis;
  • 26% - climate Change, balneotherapy, and spa treatment. Almost one-third of patients, there is a better well-being, simply, in connection with the movement in the field, where the mild marine climate and environment of pure air. Even with the amount of patients to avoid the worsening of the winter help annual vacation at a sanatorium.
  • 19% - of Manganese in the bath – it is highly effective as part of spa treatments, as well as estimation procedures. The salt contains potassium, magnesium, iodine and other minerals beneficial, that affect beneficially on the affected skin, psoriasis, to remove the itching and flaking, and even improve the sleep of the patient through a relaxing effect to the nerves. It is recommended to buy a pharmacy high-quality, natural sea salt and take baths 2-4 times a week at night;
  • 14% - the Ointment to the base of tar – good to relieve the itching , contribute to scars psoriatic plaques;
  • 12% - Selective phototherapy – physical therapy method of treatment of psoriasis, based at the hospital, the impact on the skin of ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths. Appropriate, away from all of the patients, but some for 1.5-2 months of regular treatments to achieve the biennale of remission;
  • 12% - with Strong hormonal ointments. First give a good therapeutic effect, but, then, the condition of patients deteriorating and must be applied an ointment each time more, and help it to worsen. It is formed a vicious circle, comparable with that of the dependency. The prolonged use of medications such as result disorders of the adrenal cortex and the progressive atrophy of the skin covering;
  • 12% - Baths, steam baths, saunas and swimming pools – absolutely harmless, but ineffective method of treatment of psoriasis. According to the majority of patients, the stay in the sauna followed by a dip in the cool waters allows you to soothe itching and ensure a good night's sleep, which by itself is already very good. But, there are people that psoriasis vice versa escalation of excess moisture and large temperature variations;
  • 12% of Sports and activities – any enjoyable physical activities, whether for cycling, dancing, hiking or a game of football, help to improve the health and well-being the immune system, improve mood and self-esteem of the patient, which can not fail to affect beneficially on the course of psoriasis;
  • 12% - Ointment the base of calcitriol or calcipotriol – these drugs saturate the epidermis of the active form of vitamin D, and penetrate the blood, and to normalize the calcium exchange, and it almost always results in reduction and gradual disappearance of psoriatic plaques. All the cell phones that the ointment expensive, the best - German production, are made, primarily, under the order;
  • 10% - fasting – radical technique of psoriasis treatment, allows to achieve remission or at least decrease the area of the skin lesions almost all patients, but it has a lot of contraindications. Courses of fasting is best performed in a hospital environment, and, even more, it is not possible to begin to fast voluntarily, without consideration and consultation with a specialist;
  • 10% - Ointment the basis of salicylic acid – the accuracy, not cure psoriasis, but contribute to the healing of the plates. After that, as the skin free itself of the keratinized layer, it is advisable to start the treatment of other means, such as, for example, the same grease. These ointment in a sense, ready the epidermis, because they improve the absorption of active substances;
  • Herbal medicine
  • 10% - Herbal medicine – under this term refers to all the techniques of treatment of psoriasis, with the help of medicinal plants: ointments, lotions, massage, compresses, the reception of broths and infusions inside. Good efficiency demonstrate the roots of burdock, marsh calamus, dandelion, wheatgrass, chicory, cherry, chamomile, succession, st. john's wort, celandine, nettle, raspberry, birch, oregano, valerian, and many other plants, however, the herbal medicine is always full of allergies and side effects;
  • 9% of Therapy baths with turpentine and herbal decoction – a more secure method of treatment for psoriasis, because the active substances affect the skin, only a short period of time. If you do not have contra-indications to purchase hot, therapy baths, try to get them to spend the day for 20 minutes, adding water heated to 38 degrees, pine black pepper, ground banana,broth, birch kidneys, juniper leaf, or the herb valerian;
  • 8% - Weak set and a combination hormonal ointment are often applied during a period of seasonal exacerbation of psoriasis, when any of the other methods, it is not possible to stop the growth of plaque and unbearable itching. For the treatment of psoriasis hormonal ointments should be approached very carefully, to not resort to it without the need to cancel gradually;
  • 8% - Enterosorbents – good addition to the diet, help cleanse the bowel of waste and normalize, thus, the composition of the blood, which will be not but affect positively on the course of psoriasis;
  • 7% - ultra Violet and molten radiation-some patients of psoriasis, that help to regular visits to the more usual solarium, especially in combination with the use of ointments on the basis of the active vitamin D. However, lamps of quartz is preferable, at least, due to the lower risk of development of oncology, when used regularly, the irradiation;
  • 7% - vitamin – a very controversial technique of psoriasis treatment, because some patients a therapeutic doses of vitamins cause quick improvement in well-being, and others – is the same rapid deterioration, with a strong allergy and dyspeptic disorders in the business;
  • 4% - dietary supplements – are an inexhaustible source of profits of the pharmaceutical companies, to which psoriasis, with its chronic and purely individual chain is a gold mine. Before you buy Bada ask him what he is: not will so, that you had already used, or, what is worse – you started worsening;
  • 4% - Immunomodulators – the most serious of medicines, to apply that to the treatment of psoriasis it may only be for readings immunologist, and on the basis of data immunogram, otherwise, you can only make that worse;
  • 4% - Salts of calcium and sodium, calcium chloride, sodium gluconate, sodium thiosulfate) – sometimes with the help of short-term rates historical exchange such injection it is possible to stop the worsening of psoriasis and reduce the pain from symptoms, however, independent of the treatment method, the introduction of salts of calcium and sodium is not considered;
  • 4% - Hepatoprotectors – stimulate and maintain the function of the liver, so, indirectly, helping cleanse the blood of toxins and prevent the worsening of psoriasis. No diets do not work;
  • 4% - Dental care – some patients worsening of psoriasis occur because of under-treated teeth when the oral cavity is the constant focus of inflammation and an environment conducive to bacteria, whose waste enter the bloodstream. To help a patient, sometimes enough to heal cavities;
  • 3% - Purification of the body – mind, and not just the bowel cleansing method colon hydrotherapy, but and cleaning courses to other organs: liver, lungs, kidneys. All of these activities has a beneficial effect on the during the psoriasis;
  • 3% - Therapy parasitic presence in the body of the worms, Giardia, and other parasites, inevitably, causes the poisoning of their waste products and the pollution of the blood involves flash psoriasis. Therefore, all patients are encouraged to preventive with the objective of passing the stool for analysis;
  • 3% - Hardware, cleaning of blood, which is used in the treatment of severe forms of psoriasis in the hospital environment. Gives a good therapeutic effect, but lacking it briefly– about one and a half to two months;
  • 3% - Cosmetics, creams and oils – good to help you deal with the peel of the skin, especially when applied right after a bath or shower. What is the most easy and natural composition of cosmetics, the better. Give preference to the childhood of creams based on vegetable oil;
  • 3% - Mediums and healers – its purpose is to evaluate the efficiency of a ball of the treatment of psoriasis, for obvious reasons, is not possible, however, patients sorcerers claim that recovered thanks to the sessions, and demonstrate the clean skin. Well, the power of suggestion has not been canceled;
  • 3% of anti-inflammatory drugs to treat psoriatic arthritis – some patients with the usual psoriasis to avoid exacerbations of preventive aid courses to receive these funds;
  • 2,5% acids sulfuric and blocks sulfur salt zinc ointment – the simplest of medications for the treatment of diseases of the skin parasitic infections (sarnas), but they can also reduce the itching and flaking when the psoriasis;
  • 2,5% - Purified, melt, activated and loaded in the water – there are many different techniques to give a simple water medicinal properties, but it sure can be said only that the drink is water, does not harm your health, but if she overcome psoriasis is the big question;
  • 2% - Homeopathy – treatment microscopic doses of poisons the natural world, with the objective of starting the reaction the immune response to the victory over the disease. When the psoriasis is a technique that is very effective;
  • 2% - Heat and infrared irradiation is a technique of psoriasis treatment, because some patients warming cause of worsening, instead of improving the well-being;
  • 2% - the Injection of corticosteroid – "fire alarm" technique, to which resort only in the hospital setting and only when there are not other ways to help the patient severe form of psoriasis;
  • 2% - a bath of Oatmeal – a simple and secure way to reduce the inflammation and itch when the psoriasis;
  • 2% - ) – toxic drug, a destructive affect the kidneys and the liver. Are used for the treatment of life-threatening forms of psoriasis under the strict summary fiche of health control;
  • 1,5% - Apitherapy – treatment of bee products and, specifically – and bee venom. The principle apitherapy close to homeopathy, it is expected that the poison stimulates the immunity of the patient. Sometimes it works, but let's not forget the fact that the poison of the bee is one of the best in the world of natural allergens;
  • 1,5% - Naftalan oil – a unique natural product, produced in the homonymous Azerbaijani resort Naftalan and used for the treatment of psoriasis method of application and the sun;
  • 1,5% - Fungicides – drugs to the interior and exterior, and the treatment of fungal diseases. At times they make the state of psoriasis patients, apply only by a physician due to the risk of complications;
  • Starch bath
  • 1% - Yoga, meditation, hypnosis, auto-training, neuro-linguistic programming and other techniques of management of personality may be useful in the treatment of psoriasis, once the correct attitude for successful recovery, any type of disease;
  • 1% - Starch the bathroom is also very good to relieve the itching and reduces flaking. The starch can be a lot to dry out the skin, but some patients need only the type of effect. For a necessary procedure, to dissolve in a pan with cold water 800 g of potato starch, then pour the solution into a warm bath;
  • 1% - Medication with vitamin A, provide the symptomatic treatment of psoriasis, as it is with the lack of vitamin a person develops a tendency to dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • 0,5% - Acupuncture – a technique based on the impact with the help of fine needles in acupuncture points of the body, related with the competent authorities. It is very controversial and unsafe method: you will need to in the first place, expert in acupuncture, and in the second place, it is the great fortune for acupuncture is usually the result;
  • 0.5% - for Bioresonance and the vacancy to therapy – modern techniques of physiotherapy, which are not very well tested in practice, and may not boast great progress in the treatment of psoriasis;
  • 0,2% - Respiratory fitness, therapy laser and other controversial methods deserve attention, but that can hardly ensure a positive outcome.