The psoriasis in children. Symptoms and treatment

Psoriasis in children is diagnosed at any age. It is a chronic disease that can even affect babies and newborns, in recent years, cases of psoriasis in children of a young pre-school children. When the first signs of illness, you must start a full course of treatment. That will never be able to achieve the reception state of remission, the better for the health of the child.

infant psoriasis

Causes of psoriasis in children

Child psoriasis has systemic in nature. To develop it to lead to disturbances in the functioning of the immune system when the body can not resist the harmful effects of external factors.

The doctors can not assign a single cause, causes the appearance of the disease in the child. But there are a number of evidence assumptions:

  1. Hereditary predisposition on the age they were diagnosed cases of psoriasis, the likelihood of its development, the child increases by 30%. When this disease suffer from both parents, it increases to 80%. But it is inherited only a predisposition to the disease and, therefore, with adequate care of the child there is the possibility to avoid it.
  2. The illegal activity of the nervous system – negative, worry, stress, rapid changes in life (change of school, the birth of a second child) can induce the onset of the disease.
  3. Violation of exchange processes – a deficiency of vitamins, trace elements.
  4. The presence of parasitic helminths absorb nutrients, and release large amounts of toxins that are harmful to the body of the child. Many times, appear skin reactions, psoriasis.
  5. Infections in childhood psoriasis often appears after the migration of infectious diseases. Can cause sore throat, flu, common cold.
  6. Dysfunction of the endocrine system – hormonal imbalance causes the psoriasis.
  7. Diseases of the liver – in the case of violations in the work of this body that the body may not need to neutralize the toxins, which can lead to the development of psoriasis. More often the psoriasis in children is diagnosed for the first time during the cold weather. Significantly increases the risk for the development and detachment of the skin.

The symptoms of psoriasis in children

the symptoms

Signs of psoriasis you breastfeed your baby it is very different from the symptoms of this disease in the adult. In children in the initial phase appear in red, precipitation in the folds of the skin (gluteus medius area, the armpit), on the head, the face, the genitals. Also it is located in places were the constant friction of the clothes. Rarely the rash occurs on the palms of the hands and feet. The eruption resembles intertrigo, but has the main symptom of psoriasis – horny ball papules exfoliate, appears to bark. Gradually, the delicate skin covered with a layer of scales-scale. Isolated small papules that merge into conglomerates. Its size gradually increases, covering large areas of the epidermis. In the majority of cases, the eruption of itchy, bringing the child with immense discomfort. He combs papules, running the risk of placing the infection.

The phase child of psoriasis and their symptoms

  1. Progressing – the superficial appearance of a rash of red or pink shock color. She itchy, flake, increases in size and spreading on the skin. In brief rash covered with cracks, starts to bleed a little. Unlike adults, children almost does not exist the phenomenon stearic spots, terminal of the movie. When the severe form, progressive stage, the child increases the temperature of the body, is sealed by the surface of the epidermis, increasing the lymph nodes, may occur swelling of the skin, severe redness.
  2. Fixed – if the formation of new rashes, and cease their growth, decreases the intensity of the peel.
  3. Regressive – the rash begins to gradually dissolvere. After his disappearance in the skin appear депигментированные headbands.

To the total disappearance of the signs of the disease reaches remission. The duration depends on childcare, in particular of the diet. A recurrence of the disease in children, often becomes a consequence of the transfer of infectious diseases.

Types of psoriasis infantile

Point out different types of psoriasis in children. They are classified, regardless of the characteristics of the symptoms, and the location of eruptions. The main forms of the disease:

  1. Libero psoriasis. Appears in children up to one year. The eruptions are mainly located in the gluteus medius area. Due to the constant contact with feces and urine, in the investigation of a натирания подгузниками the skin in this area if provoked, therefore, a difficult disease of lends itself to the solution of problems. Parents often adopt this rash for dermatitis, what prevents you from starting the right treatment.
  2. The blank slate (normal) psoriasis. The most common form of the disease in children. Its characteristic symptoms – on the surface of the skin are patches of red color. First, they are small, but fast enough that increases in diameter, begin to peel. The base of the papules has a dense texture. From the top they are covered with a layer of a paste of scales, which are easily separated. Are located Tabs papules in different parts of the body, but is more likely to occur in the zone of flexion of the elbows and knees, scalp.
  3. The guttate psoriasis. The body is covered by a large number of eruptions, the form of look, like a drop of to have the small size and a convex form. Papules rise above the surface of the epidermis, and cortices. They cover the head, hands and feet, and torso. The hives may disappear or turn into a blank slate psoriasis. At the age of 4 to 5 years this form of the disease провоцируется streptococcal infection.
  4. Generativus psoriasis pustular. Develops suddenly, and very quickly. For a short period of time large areas of the skin inflamed, covered ulcerates. Killed in areas of the epidermis aching. This form of psoriasis dangerous, causing serious complications. It can lead to diseases of the internal organs, in particular, of the kidneys, of the heart.
  5. psoriasis pustular.Affects children under the age of 7 years. In infants and pre-school is rare. It is a severe form of the disease, in which the swelling of the skin, and its surface is covered by bubbles, filled with non-infectious exudo. It is often accompanied by an inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  6. Erythrodermic psoriasis. It is very dangerous way, provocaverunt the thermoregulation of the body. Manifests itself in generativus inflammation of the epidermis, intense шелушении. Accompanied by itchy, painful sensations. Large areas of skin start to flake. Can be fatal, especially if the child is small.
  7. Psoriasis bending of surfaces. Appears in the curves of the body, most often in the inner area of the thigh, the groin, the genitals. The body is covered by patches of red color. They are soft and do not cortices, but a little convex.
  8. Arthropathic psoriasis. It affects the joints. The signs of this form of the disease – muscle stiffness, they are no longer agile, the joints and fingers are swollen and swell. Knees, fingers, ankles, wrists hurt, there is a general feeling of discomfort. You can get conjunctivitis. For current type of psoriasis it is divided into types: winter or summer, regardless of the time of year, when there is a relapse, the majority of children of winter, the way; for the first time came – when the symptoms appear for the first time; continually recurring permanent aggravation of the disease; undefined way.
  9. Psoriasis of the nails. Strikes clavum card. Your symptoms depend on the form. Highlight the following varieties:
  • naperstkovidnym on the surface of the nail are formed of small depth, that visually, they become similar to a thimble;
  • nicomedes – nails отслаиваются of the shop is very fast;
  • onycholysis – nail gradually отслаиваются store, inflammatory processes are missing around the base of the nail appears a yellow outline-color pink;
  • trachyonychia – nail thickens, becomes rough, the surface becomes a wave edge приподнимаются;
  • hemorrhaging subungual – under the surface of the nail appear stripes and spots red-rose hue;
  • paronychia psoriatic – skin around the nail and the finger to thicken, it is accompanied by intense inflammatory processes.

Diagnosis of psoriasis in child

The diagnosis of psoriasis is made by the doctor-dermatologist. It carries out the inspection of the child, clarifies, when there was precipitation, as manifested in the disease, if there are in the family of people who suffer from this disease. To establish a diagnosis of children, especially under the age of 1 year exclusively for the visual inspection difficult, since they often are missing the classic symptoms of the disease: stearic point, the terminal film "bloody dew". Exactly check if you have psoriasis will permit the analysis of the grating, taken with the surface of the eruptions.

The treatment of psoriasis in children


Children, psoriasis patients need therapy complex. Quickly achieve the state of remission will help to systemic therapy, simultaneously, aimed at the elimination of symptoms and the strengthening of the organism in general. Consider the main methods of treatment.

Medicines for external use

Effective for the solution of papules devastating that hit the skin. In this group are:

  • salicylic ointment 1% to 2% - is against-indicated in children, maternal age;
  • sulphur-tar ointment 2-3%; boric ointment;
  • glucocorticoid ointment 0.5% – "Locacorten", "Flucinar", "La";
  • inhibitors of phosphodiesterase – papaverine ointment 1% and teofillina ointment 5% for the treatment of psoriasis, hit pilosus the part of the head;
  • steroid creams and ointments – the "Instructio", "Haec solutio" and other ointment of psoriasis;
  • heparin ointment – for застарелых plates.

Medicines for internal application:

  • desensitizing tools three times per day shows to accept the solution of calcium, chlorhexidine 5% of a teaspoon, the duration defines the physician;
  • sedatives – the kids can be a tincture of valerian;
  • anti-histaminic medicines to relieve the itching – from 7 to 10 days to take "Тавегил", "Супрастин", with acute conditions are introduced injection, when the more easy – you can prescribe the pill;
  • anti-anxiety medications – in rare cases, are assigned to the older children, you can apply "Tazepam", "Седуксен";
  • vitamins to strengthen the immune system – the ascorbic acid, B12, P15, D, E, F, drink three times a day for a few months;
  • pyrotechnic medicines – to activate protective functions of the organism, normalizing the permeability of blood vessels, prescribe 8-10 injection", Пирогенала", for children older than 3 years;
  • glucocorticoid – assigned in severe cases the course of 2-3 weeks, with gradual reduction of the dose.

Proper nutrition

For the fastest possible cure psoriasis and to achieve a state of remission, it is necessary to observe the correct mode of supply:

  • exclude from the diet cakes, сдобу, sweet, fatty and fried dishes, chocolate;
  • limit the consumption of цитрусов;
  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • replace sweet drinks or herbal tea;
  • basis of the diet – legumes, vegetables, recenter juices, the diet of meat, non-greasy fish.



To minimize the risk of disease and prolong the period of remission, to respect the simple rules:

  • during the bath, do not use aggressive media and harsh, like sponges;
  • teach the child to avoid cuts, burns, injuries of skin; prevent the child from entering the skin from direct sunlight;
  • give preference to the clothes of natural fabrics; watch out for the ration of the child; the clean appearance of medicines;
  • try to keep the child mastered a positive emotional state.

When occurs a minimum of suspicion that the child appeared psoriasis, see your dermatologist. It is a serious disease, therefore, how to treat her able to say only the competent doctor. Do not self-medicate, because that before being approved effective therapy, the quicker you can reach a state of reception of remission. Despite the fact that psoriasis is not treated with the correct and rapid approach, you can minimize the number of relapses of the disease.