The shampoos of psoriasis: is the most effective, as the washing of the head

Psoriasis on the head, usually, does not damage the hair, but manifests itself unbearable itching. Because the comb papules the patient may smite the tent, and in their place appear new items. To prevent the deterioration of the symptoms of the disease, doctors prescribe special shampoos. These tools have anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal properties.

the shampoo of psoriasis

Types of shampoos psoriasis

Sickness is terrible, then the plates become opaque, crusts, distributed throughout the head. The foci appear in the line of growth of hair. Items can leave on the forehead and on the ears. The main problem with this disease is the cosmetic flaws in the form of a shell, lead to violations of socialization. Even more serious problem for a patient may become unbearable itch.

Many topics the tool or phototherapy is ineffective when the psoriasis of the scalp: the hair to prevent the contact of medicinal substances with injuries.

The veil of the head needs more tender care. Shampoos picking up the base of the natural substances which provide the following steps:

  • cleanse the pain;
  • soften;
  • relieve the inflammation;
  • the extraction of fungi.

Like the shampoo for washing the head when the psoriasis? The most popular and recognized types of shampoos are listed below:

  • tar;
  • antifungal;
  • drug therapies;
  • free;
  • the baby;
  • hormonal.

Prior to application it is necessary to study the composition of the medium. In common shampoos are lauryl sodium, has high dermatological stiffness. It aggravates the inflammation, destroying the protection of the cover. Odorant, dyes, or preservatives cause irritation and allergy, which, when the pathology are not valid.

The best option for the patient with psoriasis of the scalp — clothes products with components relaxing — glyceryl glyceryl oleate, Cocoamid DEA, the Concentration of sodium of Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate and others. Normally, this is the most neutral or baby shampoos.

More effective is the substance of such products: tar, salicylic acid, plant extracts, natural oils.

Shampoos medicinal

In shampoos for the treatment of psoriasis contains components that help in eliminating the symptoms of the pathology (zinc, Ichthyol, salicylic acid).

Also, effective products with zinc (form zinc with fungicide and anti-bacterial properties). The substance is able to decrease the production of skin cells, reduce the manifestations of flaking and itching. Pyrithione zinc — one of the most secure, the components of treatment shampoo, because it has fewer side effects and does not harm the hair. It can be applied in periods of remission for the prevention, but only by a physician.

Tar shampoos

Tar shampoo when the psoriasis is very efficient and cheap. But some patients may give up his application because of the pigmented lid skin, hair and pungent smell. In the composition contains chest of drawers in mahogany, pine, and juniper tar. The active substances fall in the wound tent, shoot all the most worrying disease symptoms are: burning, peeling, itching. Are shampoos different concentrations: 1%-20%. Usually, it is applied two times a week. Tar shampoos less effective than hormonal or therapeutic, but the side effects and the spontaneous recurrence of the pathology of the patients pointed out less after application.

The tar suppresses DNA synthesis of the cells, corrects the defect in the differentiation of keratinocytes in the psoriasis patients, has a fabric anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory action.

Shampoos anti-fungal

Action of shampoos with effect antifungal commonly is not addressed directly to the release of psoriasis. But the yeast fungi (especially of the genus Candida, Malassezia) can grow and become one of the factors stimulating the pathology due to inflammation and trauma coverage.

These shampoos successfully fight with fungal infection. It is very efficient complex antifungal means and local corticosteroids. Antifungal products of psoriasis in the head contains:

  • zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfate, propylene glycol;
  • synthesis;

Hormonal shampoos psoriasis

Hormonal shampoos relieve inflammation and itching, and restrict blood vessels. The positive results will come quickly, the side effects with the correct application almost not found. But to use these resources must be not more than four weeks.

hormonal shampoo

The most effective propionate 0.05%, betamethasone dipropionate 0.05%. They relate to a group of strong and effective steroid with high risk of occurrence of side effects.

Shampoos baby

In the products of the psoriasis for children is not the content of odorant, dyes, the evil elements. In a good shampoo are only medicinal and nutrients, which have a favorable effect on the scalp of the child with psoriatic arthritis symptoms.

Effective shampoo of psoriasis can assign only by a specialist. Incorrect therapy will multiple recurrence and complications.