What is psoriasis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic non-communicable disease of the skin, accompanied by red-pink rash and peeling of the skin.

The term psoriasis has occurred from the Greek word psoriasis, which means, in translation, itching or itching of the skin. This is the type of symptoms the most brilliant characterize this non-communicable dermatological problem. When you do this, dermatosis division of the cells of the skin happens in almost thirty times faster. As well as they are not fully mature, intercellular contacts were lost. This leads to the formation of a characteristic of the scales. The pathological process is involved and the immune system of the body: elements of protection are directed against their own cells, which causes a chronic inflammation in the focus of injury. We will describe in more detail the question, what is psoriasis and how to treat it.

the disease psoriasis

Types of psoriasis

There is a large number of classifications of psoriasis, which is based on the severity of the disease, the nature of precipitation, the location of the lesion, and t. d. more Often include the following types of diseases:

  1. Uneven (vulgaris) is the largest part of all types of psoriasis. It is characterized by the appearance of the traditional covered plates, white-grey scales.
  2. Guttate psoriasis, occupies the second place in incidence and diagnosed at every tenth of a patient. In this case, there are numerous and rather small eruptions with scales on the entire surface of the body.
  3. Pustwlasny the option by the formation of pustules.
  4. When LadOnno-atdosvendor psoriasis, the elements are arranged in their respective sectors of the skin.
  5. Aksudandticon alternative different option is that the flakes are impregnated with yellowish liquid that seeps out of the body. Because of this, they seem to coalescat and change color.
  6. ErietRhodHermias is a severe form of the disease, as well as this, amazed almost all the surface of the skin and arise system reaction (temperature, increased lymph nodes, the violation of the composition of the blood).
  7. Psoriatic arthritis is characterized by lesions in the joints.

For stages of a disease process stand out, progressing, stable and retrogressive flake ringworm.

The symptoms of psoriasis

More often than with the development of psoriasis on the skin's surface, appear stains covered сеRhoinandtbubbled or white scales, that are easily separated during the game. It is with this symptom is associated with another name of the disease – flake ringworm.

Location eruptions

Generally, varies from leather, which is located in the рandзгибandtfiles has been surfaces (elbows, knees) of large joints. Preference for the location, it is the contour of the scalp, and places that are constantly exposed to injury or friction. However, this characteristic cannot be considered as a diagnosis, as well as when atypical forms of flakes depriving are affected and other skin surface.

Features of the cards

Dimensions eruptions may be different. The main elements believe small papules bright red or wine color. With time, the size increases significantly, also, they have the tendency to fusion. In 90% of cases, the signs of psoriasis include the formation of a pattern of plates, characterized by a triad:

  1. Stearic stain characterized easy radi grey-white scales that resemble the appearance of a chip of a candle.
  2. If you continue to scratch the surface of the plate, after the elimination of all scales produces a thin white film, which received the name of the terminal.
  3. The symptom of a dew is possible to identify when you remove the terminal from the movie. If the damage is papillae the skin will occur not plentiful bleeding, and dripping.

There are some names of signs of the disease:

  1. The symptom Kebnera is that псonриandt- diffraction rashes appear in places prone to injury (abrasion, scratches, and t. d.). It is characteristic of an early stage of the disease.
  2. The symptom Voronov for the training colour and a border around the newly formed papules, it is not yet covered by scales. This is a kind of vascular reaction of the body, and means more a progression of the disease.

These symptoms of psoriasis, they often allow to distinguish the disease from other dермandtozov a multiplicity of currents.

the disease the symptoms of psoriasis

Other symptoms

In addition to the skin, while psoriasis suffer from the nails, hair and joints and internal organs. Changes of the nail plate starts with the foundation and are characterized by subungual гиперкерandtoz. Subsequently, the surface acquires acercarnostü, and are formed on indandinления (symptom thimbles). Psoriatic arthritis begins with injury to the small joints, accompanied by pain and the sensations and phenomena inflammatory.

Also to flake depriving, characterized by an itching in the skin. As a result of which are formed by scratching, cracking surface and the tendency to bleeding. In places of trauma can multiply the microbes pathogenic, and that will lead to secondary infection and the development of dermatitis.

The causes of psoriasis

Non-communicable nature of the disease was installed in the 19th century. With the time continuously conducted numerous studies, which studied the causes of psoriasis. However, as for most of the diseases of the system, figure out a reason, it is not yet possible. There are several theories, each of which has scientific confirmation:

  • The immune theory, according to which the disease is a consequence of a series of dysfunctions in the functioning of the immune system. Requires the development of an autoimmune response, in which the bulk of the skin accumulates a large number of lymphocytes T. This leads to chronic inflammation and thickening of the affected area. Confirms the theory of the fact that when the biopsy псonриandtMATIC badge can detect a high concentration of cells of the immune system and also the fact that in the course of the disease, in large measure affects the use of immune drugs.
  • A hereditary factor associated with the pathology of the congenital genetic material. Scientists have already installed several phases of DNA mutation that occurs in patients with чешуйчandtth stealing. These genes are the main responsible for the maturation of immune cells (T lymphocytes). Therefore, to break the probability of psoriasis increases significantly. If the parents suffer from this skin disease, the risk of developing dермandtonзand in children, 50% above.
  • Theory genetics is similar to the inheritance, however, in this case, are considered to be the genes, a mutation that can occur at any age.
  • ENdokinyi factor confirmed by the fact that most of the patients with psoriasis there are changes in the endocrine organs (pituitary, thyroid, pancreas). In addition, this category of patients, many times, is this the violation of the synthesis and allocation of melatonin. Also over the course of the disease may affect levels of sex hormones.
  • Stress and strong shock able to lead to the manifestation of a disease or worsening of your symptoms. Thus, due to the ejection into the blood hormones starts a series of biochemical reactions which lead to the appearance of scaly, itching in the skin.
  • Exchange theory-based on the fact that the scientists point to the increase in the level of lipids in patients with psoriasis. In addition, when the worsening of the disease varies nitrous services and increases the overall level of toxins in the body.

In fact, all the causes of psoriasis can be combined into two groups:

  • violation of cell division the skin;
  • the change of the immune system.

All of the external factors (environment, stress, trauma) worsens during the disease, but may not act as a single cause.

Quality of life in patients with psoriasis

Along with other chronic diseases, psoriasis is able to visibly dramatically the quality of life of patients who can be physical and psychological discomfort. Often difficulties arise with the social work and the adaptation. Thus, the expressed itch, sometimes, prevents the normal rest, and plate in the hands may limit the functionality.

It is especially difficult to carry forward scaly rash of the scalp. This is due to the fact that these cards cause some rejection and, consequently, patients become unsociable, it can even occur with social anxiety.

The stress because of dissatisfaction with their appearance, pain or itching, but also not immune to violations frequently lead to the development of mental illnesses (increased anxiety, depression, social isolation). Only a quarter of patients with psoriasis do not experience psychological discomfort, the other patients the disease is a serious obstacle to a normal life.

Among the symptoms of psoriasis, which degrade the quality of life, the first place is the itching of the skin, in the second position – Soussetandinнandя pain when псonриandtnical arthritis.

Methods of treatment of psoriasis

After realizing what is psoriasis, the best that you can imagine possible methods of treatment. As well as is a chronic disease, to heal completely. You can, however, greatly facilitate the patient's condition, reducing the clinical manifestations. On the basis of an integrated approach to therapy scaly, itching is the application of drugs and physiotherapy techniques. There are also advice popular, to help deal with the problem.

Medications and psoriasis

When the disease of the most popular tools for external use. In its composition may include one or more components, that prevent the excessive division of the cells of the skin, as well as soften and reduce the itching on the skin. Names of different medications, but most of the times they contain the following substances:

  1. GlucocortikostеRhoиdnye hormones, which reduce the phenomena of inflammatory and oppress the reactivity of the immune system. The local application of hormones affect less system impact. Part of Elocom In advantan.
  2. Vitamin D enters in the composition of a large number of drugs for topical application. The greater its effectiveness for the treatment of psoriasis is shown when it is combined with ultraviolet light radiation.
  3. The tar is used mainly for the therapy of foci located in the region of the scalp.
  4. Activated zinc quickly to fix the redness and itching on the skin. This component is virtually harmless to the body.

Among the medications for the systemic treatment of psoriasis include:

the disease psoriasis treatment
  • corticosteroids, as they regulate the metabolism and eliminate the foci of inflammation, however, expresses a withdrawal syndrome;
  • ) inhibit the cell division of the epidermis, but along with that, weakening the immune system and slow down the regeneration of other tissues;
  • immunomodulators contribute to the normalization of immune responses, but the efficiency of them until the end has not been studied;
  • anti-inflammatory non steroids reduce only the manifestation of itching and inflammation but do not affect the main changes.

Vitamins and пRhotиinonandллерг- diffraction medicines are used in addition, the main therapy. Just as there is in fact an effective drug to combat psoriasis, is prescribed in conjunction with physiotерandпеintnical procedures.


Among the most frequently used procedures for the treatment of diseases, which is the psoriasis, including the following:

  1. Geredontерandпия, in which are used the leeches. It improves the circulation and helps to normalize the immune responses.
  2. Fish-doctor, multiplicans in the spa source, which helps patients to clear the skin of eruptions. During the ichthyotherapy these little fish literally eat the surface layers of plates of the skin, immersed in water.
  3. Cryotherapy, during which the patient is placed for some minutes in a chamber with air temperature -1300With. After the procedure noticeably decreases the itching and are eliminated from the phenomenon of inflammation and edema.
  4. PUVA therapy combines фontontерandпию and chemotherapy. After the introduction of the drug, which accumulates in cells with high regeneration capacity of the patient to radiate light. The latter has a certain wavelength, and contributes to the revitalization of the photosensitizer. Therefore, it is possible to achieve the selectivity of impact.

Sometimes, to treat psoriasis it is effective in the application of homeopathic medicines, or remedies.

Home remedies for psoriasis treatment

In folk medicine there are numerous revenue funds, both to the location of use, and for consumption within.

You can prepare a paste and apply it on top of the plates. The most popular are the following recipes:

  1. Mix Chistonteating and in adipi (1:5), we obtain an effective tool.
  2. Grind the flowers of meadowsweet viscous and mix them with vaseline (1:1). After heated up to 900With and onсtужandюt. Store the ointment is not a long time, so it is best to prepare small portions.
  3. Join the fat of the pork, pine and pepper and bee wax, to heat it in the fire, always stirring. After that, add the vitamin E from the pharmacy.
  4. Normal cabinet of tar (25 g), vaseline (10 g), the acid boric (5 g), honey (15 g), egg protein, fish liver oil (5 g) very mix well and place in a dark capacity. Apply this cream should be only once per day.
  5. Ointment of elecampane help to the aggravation of the disease.

The tool of folk medicine orally, typically, aim to keep the immunity and reduce the inflammation and itching:

  1. Kvass from oats is prepared from 700 g of beans, three litres of water and five large tablespoons of sugar. All of this should insist two days.
  2. An infusion of bay leaf are within 100 ml.
  3. To prepare a tincture of the buttons sophora, you should take 500 ml of vodka and 50 g of dry raw materials, and then put in a month in a dark place. Take a teaspoon.
  4. The decoction of the seeds of the fennel helps to eliminate symptoms of acute, and also has negligible снontinonрнth and a calming effect.

The bathroom with the addition of copper sulphate is also used for the treatment of psoriasis.