What to do in case of worsening of psoriasis?

The worsening of psoriasis is one of the most serious problems in patients who suffer from this disease. What to do in case of worsening? Negative accompanied by symptoms, psychological discomfort of the patient and REQUIRES MEDICAL INTERVENTION.

The reasons for the development of psoriatic exacerbations quite diverse. Many times, are indicated the recurrence of the disease in the absence of favouring reasons, that is, spontaneously. So, to find out how to remove the worsening of psoriasis, it should be understood in favor of your factors.


Factors contribute to the development of psoriasis

The causes of psoriatic exacerbations until the end has not been studied. The recurrences are able to be accompanied by negative symptoms and lead a good time.

More often than cause the development of worsening can:

  • the excess of physical effort;
  • a stressful situation, emotional breakdowns;
  • chronic infections of the body;
  • if the patient has disorders of the endocrine system;
  • a sharp change of climatic conditions;
  • incorrect diet;
  • the prolonged use of some medicines;
  • the abuse of alcohol, smoking;
  • effect of injection chemical apparatus and cosmetics.

The deterioration is possible at any time of the year, however, more often, psoriasis can occur in the fall and winter. This is possible because in the summer the natural ultraviolet rays positive about the general characteristics of the patient, acting as prevention to the development of psoriasis.

In the same period of worsening of psoriasis (winter and autumn) may occur, the LACK of SUNLIGHT AND the IMPACT ON the BODY of the LOW TEMPERATURES. So, usually, it is during this period that increases the frequency of the development of viral diseases, reduce the immune system and, consequently, weakening the body, making it vulnerable.

It should be noted that, sometimes, occur in atypical cases, when psoriasis becomes worse in the summer and in the spring. In this case, the incidence of the solar rays causes an inflammatory process in the skin. Therefore, patients are advised during the summer, the maximum to protect the skin against the entry of the sun's rays.

Semiology of the exacerbation

As a rule, relapse of psoriasis are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the formation of papules, after the disappearance, which in the skin remains light-pink film;
  • in addition, papules eat in places of skin lesions;
  • the skin of the patient, blush, appears unbearable itching and peeling;
  • notice the sensation of dryness and tightening of the skin.

When you are similar symptoms, you should consult a dermatologist, as well as the treatment allows you to in a timely manner to stop the worsening of the development of psoriasis.

the symptoms

The worsening of the disease during pregnancy and after childbirth

During the period of pregnancy in patients with psoriasis, exacerbation possible in 10-20% of cases, improving the general condition can be seen at the end of the first quarter (50% of cases). End the reasons for such a progression of the disease up to the end has not been clarified, but it is known that the high estrogen and progesterone, produced in this state, have immunosuppressive action, and the indices of cortisol contribute to anti-inflammatory exposed.

Assume the worsening of psoriasis during pregnancy, as well as its absence perhaps, considering the history of previous pregnancies. As a general rule, in 87% of cases of post-pregnancy period, in the same way that the previous one. Many moms are concerned with the question of WHAT to DO in case of WORSENING of PSORIASIS AND HOW to avoid IT?

It is important to remember that patients with a predisposition to psoriatic manifestations during pregnancy constantly observed by your doctor. Otherwise, the worsening psoriatic arthritis symptoms can lead to premature birth of a child with malnutrition.

Hormonal restructuring of the body of the woman after the childbirth and lactation can give a "rollback" (the opposite effect), when psoriasis develops at a rapid pace. This is due to the fact that the body, as a result of childbirth overall is being rebuilt. From 16 respondents female after delivery, 6 women's psoriasis has escalated to severe. 8 was observed an average of aggravation, and only 2 young women, as a result of childbirth psoriasis has not appeared.

Usually, after childbirth is not recommended for drug treatment (excluding pathological cases), as well as there is a likelihood of entry of drugs through breast milk to the child.

The treatment the worsening of psoriasis

Because the reasons for the deterioration can be quite varied, for curing a disease should be complex. For this, it is needed a special diet, physical therapy, medical tools and prevention.


POWER. The basis for the treatment the worsening of psoriasis is hypo-allergenic, diet, therefore, you should review your diet and include more milk production. A positive effect when the psoriasis has a vegetarian diet, in which the need to eat, like more fruit and vegetables, which allows you to adjust the work the GASTROINTESTINAL. In addition, the diet recommends the inclusion of the menu of fish, cooked without oil and bread with added bran.

In the period of aggravation of the disease, there is no salt, smoked, fatty, fried and canned food. The diet also prohibits eating fast-food and semi-finished products, of drinking soda. It is not possible to accept solutions to alcohol-based drinks.

THE MEDICAL THERAPY. One should consider that the treatment is accompanied by ingestion of sedative drugs, autoimmune diseases, drugs, anti-allergic and enterosorbents. When the heavy, the development of symptomatology is assigned to a hormone treatment.

The traditional treatment includes:

  • are assigned sedatives, as well as the period of aggravation of a stressful situation and emotional load are able to lead to complications of the disease;
  • to relieve the swelling and painful itchy we recommend that you purchase anti-histamines;
  • to quickly view the toxins of the body are assigned enterosorbents;
  • the restoration of the intestinal microbiota is achieved through the use of special medications.

In addition, if you aggravate the doctor may prescribe a reception folic and lipoic acid, which contribute to the accelerated regeneration of the skin, as well as vitamin therapy.

EXTERNAL APPLICATION OF FUNDS. To neutralize acute symptoms of psoriasis can be outdoor drug, the treatment that is recommended in the first place. A positive effect the increase will have the following ointment:

  • acids sulfuric acid;
  • salicylic acid;
  • zinc;
  • outdoor tool with the inclusion of tar and solidol.

Therapy acute psoriasis outlaws of the tools has an anti-septic and anti-inflammatory impact, accelerating exfoliate the scales. It is important to remember that the treatment (local and global) is executed only after consulting a doctor, because some medications can have a by-product of action, and the self-medication may lead to a negative result.

PHYSIOTHERAPY. When worsening of the psoriatic arthritis symptoms shows the following events:

  • cryotherapy — the low temperatures significantly reduce the process of inflammation;
  • phototherapy — ultraviolet rays suppress the immune system activity, affecting the treatment process;
  • hirudotherapy — the use of leeches is more efficient when the worsening of psoriatic arthritis.

In addition, doctors recommend to treat psoriatic arthritis worsening in resorts of the Black and the Dead sea, where the most favorable.

POPULAR FORMS OF TREATMENT. Virtually all patients who suffer with this disease for a long period of time, you know how to remove the worsening of psoriasis, with the help of folk medicine.

folk methods

The most popular recipes for the aggravation:

  • at home, it is recommended to prepare gadgets from a mixture of medicinal herbs (licorice, burdock root, calamus, marsh, nettle and succession), which come in equal amounts. A mixture of herbs (1 St. l.) prepared with hot water and left to cool, after which, in aqueous solution, the wet net napkin and is applied to the Vespalennemy phase of the skin;
  • often it is sufficient when the worsening use the ointment internal lard + dry herb linanci. The fat pre-waterlogged and then added linance, after that the ointment onStWietse and intended;
  • to reinforce the curative effect in the home, it is recommended the use of a bath with sea salt.

It should be remembered that quickly cure the psoriasis is not possible, but respecting all the conditions (diet, prevention and medical therapy), the probability of reaching a long remission is high enough.