Psoriasis in adults: symptoms and treatment photo

The characteristic sign of psoriasis is a privileged location papules symmetrically on the skin on the extensor surface of the hands and feet and the scalp.

psoriasis in adults

Despite the fact that a leading role in the development of psoriasis play the presence of a genetic predisposition (psoriasis refers to diseases, diseases of inheritance) to trigger the onset of the disease can serve as a set of exo and factors endogenous (development of psoriasis in nervous the soil, in the midst of endocrine disorders, after the transferred infectious diseases and t. d.).

Etiological factors of developing the disease

The disease has no predisposing sexual, therefore, the prevalence of psoriasis in men and women is not different. The 12 percent of patients the disease for the first time, develops up to ten years. Up to twenty years, psoriasis develops into forty-six percent of the patients, with up to thirty years of age – at sixty percent.

In the development of psoriasis suggest two age from the peak:

  • twenty-seven to fifty-four years for men;
  • fifteen and fifty and four years for women.

The causes of psoriasis in adults

The exact cause of psoriasis is unknown. The main role in the pathogenesis of the disease belongs to a genetic predisposition. Also, an important role plays the occurrence of the instability, immune, lipid violations and the presence of a patient foci of chronic infection.

In favor of the theory of genetic (hereditary causes of psoriasis is evidenced by the fact that the disease is not only the patient, but also those of their close relatives.

Identify the susceptibility to psoriasis can perform the classical analysis of the genome. In such patients may present ten locus on the chromosomes, responsible for the hereditary predisposition for the disease (PSORS 1 through 9, as well as the HLA – B27, 17, and t. d.).

The main gene, responsible for maximising expresses the innate predisposition to the development of the disease, believe PSORS1.

Also, in the pathogenesis of psoriasis play an important role in genetically resulting from the infringement of an exchange of carbohydrates and lipids. In the majority of patients with psoriasis reveal heavy hyperlipidemia and metabolic syndrome. In this context, the psoriasis patients, which is celebrated at high risk for developing heavy early atherosclerotic vascular lesions and cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to hyperlipidemia, to be celebrated disturbed the metabolism of LCD (fatty acids), increased production of free radicals of compounds involved in Keratinitaly of the epidermis and t. d.

When the search psoriatble of cards, reveals a large content of them lipoprotein oxidized low-density.

The main markers, that allow to evaluate the proliferation of keratinocytes, in the heart of psoriasis, are the protein Ki67, and keratin-six, sixteen and seventeen. Exactly these markers are responsible for the expressed processes of hyperplasia, disorders of differentiation of cells and development of inflammatory reactions in the dermis.

On this account, even when it reaches the clinical phase of recovery when the psoriasis (the disappearance of the inflammation of the epidermis), it can be an inflammatory process in the blood vessels of the dermis.

Also, in the development of inflammation in the heart of psoriasis play a role of T-activated limpiitary cells, mediators, inflammatory reactions, inflammation in the microcirculatornam mainstream. When the study of the microbiota of the skin covering the psoriasis patients, which identify the streptococci, resulting in the development and worsening of Kaplavadtion psoriasis.

The immunological basis of the pathogenesis of the development of psoriasis is the progression immunocomptYongttion of cells activated ComD4+ T-limpiitandрtion of cells and cytokines with anti-inflammatory action. In favor of this theory shows that the monoclonal antibodies when the psoriasis, by acting against the activated ComD4+ T-limpiitandрtion cells have a large impact on therapeutic. Also, an effective means of psoriasis are drugs designed to inhibit the production of factors of necrosis of the tumor.

It is contagious and if psoriasis of the leather to the other

Not. Psoriasis is a genetic disease.

It is transmitted psoriasis from person to person

Not. Contract psoriasis from another person is not possible. Despite the fact that withtraptorackova the infection can be provocative factor human without a genetic predisposition to the onset of the disease, the psoriasis does not occur.

It is transmitted psoriasis sexually transmitted diseases

Not. Psoriasis is not contagious and is not passed neither dripping, nor contact, nor sexual, or otherwise.

It is transmitted psoriasis for inheritance

For the development of psoriasis is necessary genetic (hereditary) predisposition. Therefore, the disease is common in relatives. If you have psoriasis parents, celebrated at a high risk of psoriasis and the child.

However, some authors highlight separately psoriasis of the second type. It is assumed that this option of psoriasis, the evolution of patients after the forty years of age and reaching mainly the joints and feettevye the board, is not related with the heredity.

You can die from psoriasis

Not. Psoriasis is not life-threatening disease. The forecast for the life of such patients favorable.

However, the psoriasis makes it difficult to complete the life of a patient, providing you with a lot of discomfort and reducing your social activity.

Also, it should be noted that пуwithtwlasnie form of psoriasis may leak is extremely difficult, withonпрonвonжdandяwithь drain and suppuration пуwithtul, with more than ontPAdYongием of the skin, by the type of "purulent lakes". If, eventually, the development of Erietрondermii, secondary complications bacterial, lesions of the joints and t. d.

Triggers development of psoriasis

Causing factors that contribute to the appearance of exacerbations of psoriasis are:

  • skin lesions of the integument;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • the emergence of metabolic disorders;
  • the use of drugs, beta-blockers, antимandлярийtion cf -, and t. d.;
  • the presence of foci of chronic infection (especially streptococcal infections);
  • the abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • is prohibited;
  • the excess of heat stroke;
  • the use of spicy, sweet, greasy, and t. d. foods;
  • sharp infectious diseases;
  • aggravation of allergic diseases;
  • stress, emotional overload (psoriasis in nervous the soil increases with frequency).

Classification of psoriasis

Varieties include forms of psoriasis:

  • the vulgar (ordinary forms of psoriasis);
  • экwithwithуdandtcaptive;
  • the old лanddonннon-plantar;
  • бonрondandвчandts;
  • follicular;
  • feettevye;
  • пуwithtwlasnie;

During the disease can use progressing, fixed nature.

About the prevalence of injuries include limited, common and widespread term.

You can also mark the seasonality of exacerbations: winter, summer and uncertainty (not related to the season) the worsening of psoriasis.

The photo, symptoms and treatment of psoriasis in adults

the treatment of psoriasis

For psoriasis characterized by the appearance of color крandwithнonвandts or bright red papules, covered with silver, белonвandtbubbled scales, loose the desired consistency. The itching of the skin of the integument may not be present. Many patients mark the emergence of a feeling of tightness of the skin.

Intense itching, which is characterized, generally, to psoriatic lesions of the skin, scalp, and groin.

The emergence of pain in the joints and concluded with the development of psoriatic arthritis.

The best feature is a manifestation of psoriasis is the triad of specific symptoms :

  • emergence of the phenomenon of withtеandринonвonгon point (gain flake off during the diagnosis and psoriatичеwithкonй papules and, consequently, becomes similar to withtеandринonвую drop);
  • the appearance of the film (the emergence superfine of a transparent film, which remains, after having poskablivanii will be separated from the husk);
  • the emergence of a dew or the appearance of the map of bleeding at the site of the rejection terminal of the films.

Пwithonриandtичеwithкие papules can use isolated nature, or to melt. The size can vary from small - up to meet the vast surface of the skin. The most common location papules are elbows, knees, and head (your вonлonwithиwithtandя part) and the tenderloin.

In rare cases, the plates may injure the mucous membrane of the lips and oral cavity.

In children, elderly patients and people suffering from diabetes, may develop in the folded form of the disease. In this case, it is striking the skin behind the ears, armpits, groin, buttocks wrinkles, around the navel and below of milk by the glands.

Patients with psoriasis may not have the bark. The surface psoriatble foci can be completely smooth, bright red. In some cases, it is possible the emergence of maceration of the folds.

In some patients, the only manifestation of the disease can be plaque in the skin and mucosa of the genitals.

Generally, psoriatичеwithкие skin lesions lead to the symmetric nature, but in some patients it may be unilateral of rainfall. It is also possible the emergence of forms psoriatble outbreaks (кonльцевиdtion, elliptical, geographic, and t. d.).

In patients with a lot of прontекandющим of the disease, long-term existing label in the skin lumbar and gluteus medius area can be displayed in one of them бonрondandвчandts рandзрandwithtanий.

In addition, the reasons for the emergence of бonрondandвчandts forms of psoriasis can serve:

  • purulent infection of the skin covering;
  • the wrong door mirror treatment (as a rule, self-treatment);
  • the excess of weight.

When бonрondandвчandts forms of the disease, the flakes begin to withклеивandtьwithя between them, forming on the surface of the plates yellow chips.

Some patients may occur in isolation, flows лanddonннon-пondonшвYongный psoriasis. In this case, the disturbed patient painful cracks, pustules, papules, Erietемandtonзнon-squamous plaque on the palms of the hands and feet.

Frequent manifestation of psoriasis is a defeat feettевs plates. In the majority of cases, observed the emergence of dispersion of the recesses on the surface of the nail (dystrophy). Also can appear the deformation of the nail, longitudinal and cross section of a groove, thickening of the nail plate, the loosening and the color change, bleeding under the nail plate.

When psoriatичеwithкonй Erietрondermii, the evolution, generally, against heat stroke are excessive or inadequate outdoor therapy, appears to express swelling of the skin, flushing, pruritus, and desquamation, fever, weakness, violation of appetite. Severe, you may receive the anemia, heart failure, and impairment of the function of the kidneys and liver, you will receive the dehydration, alopecia areata.

Psoriasis and pregnancy – a threat to the child, characteristics

Psoriasis does not violate the reproductive function and is not contraindication for pregnancy. It should be noted that many women during pregnancy the disease occurs easier than usual. However, about twenty percent of women can be celebrated expresses the aggravation of the disease.

In general, psoriasis is not difficult during the pregnancy threatens the life of a child. However, female patients with aptputamu, increasing the load on the joints, it can present a significant deterioration of the state. When generalized forms пуwithtulезtion psoriasis, you may receive the secondary complications bacterial.

It should be noted that, as psoriasis does not refer to infectious diseases, the mother is able to contact with the child and feed him the breast-feeding. The likelihood of developing psoriasis the child, in the future, equal to about 15-20%, if the patient has only one parent, and about 50%, if the patients of both parents.

The main difficulty in psoriasis in pregnant women is that they are against-indicated the majority of prescribed medications. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you should advise your doctor, so that he pre-set the treatment.

Chronic self-medication categorically unacceptable and can cause great damage to the mother and the baby is some drugs have the influence of toxic on the fetus).

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis is exposed based on the specific symptoms (psoriatичеwithкandя triad). And also, when necessary, histological, immunological, рYongtгYongonлonгble search.