Instructions for the integrated system for the treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis – deterministic the disease, which occurs due to hyperproliferations cells of the dermis, failures of immunity with the synthesis of immune dependens mediators, causing inflammation in the skin. For standardization of the processes of differentiation of the keratinocytes, cell recovery cariocinese and immunity use drugs in different groups (a), retinoids, immunosuppressants).

instructions for the integrated system for the treatment of psoriasis

The scheme of application of certain drugs depends on the stage of development of the disease, the type of eruption and age of the patient.

Integrated treatment of psoriasis

Integrated treatment of psoriasis involves the use not only of drugs, but physical therapy procedures. They help in the recovery cariocinese, which leads to the elimination of hyperkeratosis and inflammatory processes in the skin coverage. Therapy against psoriasis includes several areas, including:

  1. outdoor media (ointments, gels, liniments, creams, sprays) – contribute to the local elimination of inflammatory processes in the areas of skin affected psoriatic plaques;
  2. parenteral and oral medications (tablets, coated tablets, injections of vitamins) – tools of systemic therapy, that influence the work of organs and systems;
  3. physiotherapy means (cryotherapy, hemosorption, laser therapy) – hardware treatment techniques, aiming at the purification of the blood and the skin of the integument of disease agents;
  4. balneological ways of – view of a spa treatment, with the application of herudotherapy, mud, sun, thermal baths, and t. d.;
  5. diet therapy – good nutrition, helping to normalize cellular metabolism and, consequently, cariocinese.

Choose specific targets of the therapy depends on the stage of development of psoriasis. For example, in the phase of progression, t. e. development active psoriatICHeing of plates, it is not possible to use certain types of procedures of physical therapy. This can cause further worsening of the disease.

The choice of a complex therapy

During an illness in large part, determined by the degree of development of pathological processes, the factors that have caused the failures of immunity, the age of the patient, and t. d. In the process of assigning a suitable complex processing of events, the doctor takes into consideration:

  • the reasons for the development of the pathology;
  • the stage of development of the disease;
  • type psoriatICHeing eruptions;
  • the sex and age of the patient;
  • characteristics of the occurrence of the disease;
  • the propensity for allergic reactions.

A careful study of the history of the patient allows to determine the direction of treatment, that will help you achieve the best therapeutic results. A special role will emphasize the analysis of mechanisms of the trigger, caused the occurrence of psoriatICHeing plates. The mechanism for the development of the disease can become psycho-emotional surge, chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, failures, climate change and the t. d.

Chosen the direction of therapy should be exactly due to the pathophysiology of psoriasis. Otherwise, suppress pathological processes in the organism will not be able to, which will result in complications.
integrated treatment of psoriasis

General principles of therapy

According to the results recently of the query, which had the participation of experts from 19 european countries, an effective treatment psoriatICHetion disease is based on the implementation of 3 principles:

  1. strict compliance with a complex algorithm of processing of events;
  2. continuous monitoring of the response of an organism to the action of other drugs;
  3. timely adaptation of therapeutic principles of treatment.

Unfortunately, in 45% of cases of generalization of the inflammatory process in the development of psoriasis was due to violation of rules of treatment, which were determined by your doctor. To reduce the risks of education psoriatICHeing plates throughout the body, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions that are given by an expert in the process of therapy.

The treatment in the stage of progress

The integrated scheme of treatment of psoriasis in a certain stage of development of a disease process. In the phase of progression, t. e. activates the emergence of new symptoms of skin disease and rashes, it's worth joining the about such a schema of the treatment:

  • Corticosteroid ointment – copyrowt the manifestations of the disease and contribute to the elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • VItaminosilanee drugs contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, which allows us to recover the cell mitosis;
  • Antihistamines – resolve strong itching and swelling of the tissues near the foci of inflammation.

The above application of funds for the stage of progression of the disease due to its PAtogenetICHetion activity. They have a pronounced antiphlogistic, anti-inflammatory properties and wound healing properties.

The treatment of hospitalization and retrogressive phase

Fixed and retrogressive stage of development of the disease are characterized by moderately pronounced bark psoriatICHeing plates. However, at this stage of pathology does not occur in the peripheral increase, t. e. the expansion of papules or if you have any new symptoms of the disease. In this case, medical therapy aims at the use of drugs, with peeling, disinfection and wound healing, haemostatic action.

The treatment scheme genodermatosis will be approximately so:

Severe disease to decrease the symptoms is not only used for the corticosteroid, and the media, but also)

They have an immunosuppressive action, t. e. suppress immunity. This prevents the skin inflammation of the integument, which attack the antibodies EPIdeрмальnых of cells.