The cause of psoriasis and treatment methods

Annually, millions of people face the skin diseases of different nature. They can be infectious and non-communicable diseases. More often, (completely healthy at first glance the people) constitute the diagnosis of psoriasis. It occurs in different areas of the body, can be intensity varied. He is concerned with patients and their surrounding, because people fear the infection. Consider what psoriasis is, the causes of its occurrence, symptoms and treatment methods.

the manifestation of psoriasis

What is psoriasis

Psoriasis in the skin is a disease of chronic character, is not transmitted from person to person. Previously, this diagnosis was considered food inflammation of the skin, but today is called psoriatic arthritis the disease, due to the fact that she has a systemic nature, that is, occurs as a result of a failure in the endocrine system, the immune, the nervous system.

The mechanism of development of psoriasis on the body

Do not observe the nursery pathology is not possible, since a part of the body appear burning, itching sensation, redness and the skin. Each person, faced with the diagnosis, he begins to feel a discomfort when communicating with people, because the illness damages the affected area of the body.

The mechanism of development lies in the fact that the cells of the skin die after 4-5 days, but does not fall, and form papules and begin to peel off, causing an inflammatory process. The disease is not transmitted to the touch, therefore, of the epidemics, that is not the case. The appearance of psoriasis link with hyperactivity immune T-lymphocytes.

Usually the disease appears in genetically predisposed to it:

  • If a parent has a predisposition to the disease, the probability of occurrence of this diagnosis in the child – 25%.
  • 2 x parents – 65%.

Psoriasis can occur at any age, even if the child there was no sign of his presence. The mechanism can become a treatment with antibiotics, alcohol, stress, skin lesions, beriberi.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of psoriasis

However, the disease – psoriasis affects people over the centuries, their original source until now is not installed. The disease can affect any person, even that does not have a predisposition to the development of pathology.

The doctors presented the theories about the causes of psoriasis:

  • Viral.
  • Immune.
  • Infectious.
  • Genetics.
  • Caused by metabolic disorder.

Each of these reasons can cause a hotbed of pathology, it is discoverable in any part of the body: head, arms (mainly the elbows), legs, as well as the psoriasis appears under the breasts and in the stomach.


By which a person has psoriasis: a theory

Scientists, in search of reasons for the development of psoriasis have found a change in the peripheral lymph nodes, which is a sign of a viral form of the disease.

The doctors believe that the disease is genetic diseases, through, are the cause of the revitalization of psoriasis, but to prove this, it is necessary to:

  • Highlight the retrovirus and identify it.
  • Identify the environment in which they live.
  • Carefully examine what is not under the power of modern medicine.

Retroviruses have the ability to change the genetic structure of a person, through the synthesis of DNA and of education "falsum progressio". This factor is still examined by doctors, but by the transfusion of the blood of the patient of psoriasis, a healthy attitude, never has been observed the emergence of diseases in second, which puts that theory in question.

The dysfunction of the immune system

Abnormalities in the immune system sphere of influence in many structures of the body, but experts noted that when sinusitis, tonsillitis, and Dr. auto-immune diseases, the pathological focus have sharpened.

During the first see the psoriasis, the doctors believe that the source is auto-immune underlying aggressiveness.

We performed a set of diagnostic activities, by examining the patients, the occurrence of neutrophil Munro, have emerged as a result of variances in:

  • Immunoglobulins.
  • Antibodies.
  • The immune complex.

The inflammatory process of the skin caused psoriasis increases the sensitivity of the epidermis, especially in places most affected by chemical or physical way. Then, occurs larger in size the itching and irritation. In the research, the experts point to the antibody and antigenic components and the own antigens, the lack of people who do not have predisposition to pathology.

the infection

Infectious theory

It is believed that the causes of psoriasis are directly related to the infection. The worsening of the pathology often catch people that enter the hospital, although fungal pathogens and micro-organisms cannot be found. According to the opinion of scientists, the psoriasis in the midst of the infection defeat appears in the result of the product of impulses vegetative and the endocrine system, which causes the change of structures of the body in the ground immune dysfunction.

Also has a place allergo-theory infectious, characterized by an allergic reaction, virus, micro-organisms and their toxic selection, officially, but this theory has not yet been confirmed.

Theory genetic

This theory suggests that psoriasis is passed on from parents to children, and also of the neighbors and relatives.

This is because the majority of the people, referring to skin-vein clinic with psoriasis have this disease in the history of the next 3 to 5 generations, but you call the disease is strictly genetic and can not be, because it occurs in the middle of a complex of disorders:

  • The changes enzyme, lipid, carbohydrate metabolism, protein metabolism.
  • The immune, endocrine, autonomic dysfunction.
  • Viral and infectious diseases.

Abnormalities in the metabolism

Disorders in the metabolism, are the source of a multitude of diseases.

When the psoriasis, the research shows that:

  • High cholesterol
  • The temperature below normal.

In this case, the experts assess the psoriasis, such as cholesteric diathesis, because the incorrect lipid services causes the occurrence of cornification of the skin.

Also, the clinical picture of the patient may have the following indicators:

  • Violation of vitamin the exchange of the group B6/12, And, With. with this amount Of vitamin c in the body with greater intensity.
  • Lack or excess of zinc, copper, iron.

These factors reduce the adaptive capacity of man and contribute to the onset of diabetes, which often accompanies psoriasis.

psoriasis stress

Where is taken the disease psoriasis (other reasons):

  • The stress.
  • Enoxaparin.
  • The vaccination.
  • The allergy.
  • Women's hormonal disorders.
  • Burns, injuries, bug bites.
  • Acquisition of medicines and alcohol.
  • Hypothermia.
  • The abuse of certain products.
  • Food poisoning.

Psoriasis can appear in any person, regardless of age and sex, however, the sooner it appears, the more it harms the body of the patient, the damage and change the quality of life.

The first symptoms of psoriasis

Initially, the disease manifests itself in the form of small with a tendency to scaling papules, located in an area previously affected area of the skin. In the initial stage, psoriasis can have a gradual or sudden development of the character. Subsequently, are introduced into the skin pinkish nodules strongly itch, the wiring and begin to be covered by rash or crust flaky. The patient strive to comb the pathological focus, because it brings a relief, but even more harmful to the epidermis. Combing the psoriasis is worrying the fact that the disease spreads into nearby tissues, therefore, with the appearance of the first symptom, you should immediately search for a doctor.

The first signs of psoriasis, represent the precipitation in these areas of the body:

  • From the folds.
  • The head.
  • Tibia.
  • Lumbar.
  • The belly (below the bust).
  • Nails/fingers.
  • Arms, legs, (knees, elbows, hands, feet).

To facilitate the diagnosis of psoriasis, the experts divided the disease into several forms, have their own symptoms and individual location. For example:

  • The symptoms of psoriasis in plate form, is characterized red depilatus papules with clear boundaries. They are usually in the region of the head, waist, elbows and knees.
  • When the tear psoriasis, the symptoms completely different. In the area exposed, there is a set of small spots, or pustules, when the pressure of them stands out the transparent liquid. They usually occur in the later part of the palms of the hands and feet.

It is clear from the form of psoriasis. Your development does not cause the increase of the temperature, joint aching, chills. However, it should be treated any form of illness, because, if you do not resort to the therapy, with the emergence of the first signs, the psoriasis can spread to the joints, nails, plates, and mucous membranes.

To know how is the disease in the early stages, see photo signa developing in the skin of psoriasis.

psoriatic arthritis

The typical symptoms of psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis refers to severe psoriasis. Then, the disease affects the joints, which leads to its deformation, and then the partial/total dysfunction. In the initial phase, the disease is located in the area of stop and hands, and then is transferred to the vertebral segments of the office and large joints. Then, the joints increase in volume, start to hurt.

In the inspection, the doctor pays special attention to the factors:

  • If there is a genetic predisposition to psoriasis.
  • Swelling of the joints.
  • Pain caused when walking, touching objects.
  • Restriction of mobility.
  • Stiffness of the joints (during the day and in the morning).

Also, the specialist will prescribe the examinations. First, you need to make sure that the pain in the joints caused by exactly psoriasis. For this, the patient must undergo the trial in rheumatoid factor. If the result is negative, it means that the doctor will put a diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis.

The first signs of psoriasis of the nails

The signs of defeat nail plate psoriasis are identical to the fungus. Then, around the perimeter of the nail you can see the teeth point or longitudinal grooves. They can appear from 1 nail or all at once, but the beginning of changes lock I at least, the part of the nail plate.

If not treated, the disease:

  • Moves to the root.
  • The nail becomes inflamed, in the winter, it gets dark.
  • Around the nail is formed by a red contour of the skin.

Worrying is the fact that as a result of the nail plate can not exfoliate the skin or to be like a bird's claw, a time that the disease affects not only the epidermis, but and the nerve endings.

the treatment of psoriasis

The treatment of psoriasis

Cure psoriasis is completely impossible, since the disease is chronic. The most that doctors can do – give chemotherapy, which creates a strong remission of the disease.

For medicinal purposes are assigned medicines to the place of destination. They increase the infiltration of the skin, reduce the peel and to resolve the inflammatory process, entailing an itching sensation.

Such medications include ointment and cream contains:

  • Dithranol.
  • Salicylic acid.
  • Sulphur.
  • Urea.

Also, the professionals assign local glucocorticoids and lotions, suitable for the treatment of the scalp.

The appointment of therapy is affected by many factors:

  • The age of the patient.
  • The first manifestation of the disease or aggravation.
  • As the inflammation progresses.
  • Where is located the injury.
  • The duration of the disease.
  • That way if manifests and PR.

In the reception specialist see the patient, will bring together history and prescribe a biopsy of the affected area.

After obtaining the results, applying such methods of treatment.

medicines for psoriasis

In a phase

anti-inflammatory drug non-hormonal:

Worsen and strong inflammation, fluorinated means:

Data of medications in 70% of cases help to eliminate the inflammation and the itch, within 2 weeks of treatment for psoriasis.

Glucocorticoid negalogenizirovannam type:

The tools are widely demanded for the treatment of the elderly and children, because the exception of its composition of fluorine and chlorine, which reduces the probability of the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Creams and ointments on the basis of dithranol:

Have antiproliferativo and anti-inflammatory action. Often cause the allergy, such as itching and local swelling. They attribute the increased dosage for the short-term treatment.

In addition to these techniques, there are other, not less effective, but should pick up exclusively medical. Not correctly selected therapy is able to worsen the patient's condition and cause next the inflammatory process in the midst of an allergic reaction, so not worth experimenting with medicines. In addition, they must constantly change, because the body becomes accustomed to the effects of medications and the efficacy of the therapy gradually decreases.