Causes and symptoms of psoriasis: it is warned — means armed!

psoriasis on hands

People who suffer from psoriasis, in a world full of the most optimistic estimate — if more than 3% of the entire population of the planet. Psoriasis is a disease that manifests itself with the emergence of acne in the form of a pink plate with scales silver in color, often accompanied by itching. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. The basis of the disease lie until the end, and not the processes.

Psoriasis — a mysterious enemy

When the psoriasis, the skin cells start to divide into 6-10 times faster than it should. This leads to chronic inflammation of the skin, integument and scaling.

The scientists examined the psoriasis during long decades, however, a definite answer to the question: why is the psoriasis? — modern science has not yet. It is a disease not contagious, however, it is able to be inherited. The deterioration can cause a variety of internal and external factors: stress, skin injury, use of certain medications (most antibiotics), alcohol abuse, infectious disease (caused by streptococcus, viruses) and Dr.

The manifestations of psoriasis are manifold: the surface of the lesion may be dry or weeping, may be surprised with the different parts of the body. Some sick knees and elbows, palms and soles, the third — the large folds of the skin or mucous membranes, or nail plate. Sometimes, psoriasis reaches a very large area of the body, at times, are located only in limited areas and never no longer applies.

Without exaggeration one can say that psoriasis is a disease that is mysterious. Scientists have already figured out what exactly is going on in the body of the patient of psoriasis, and how to relieve your state, but it is still not clear which is the cause of these pathological changes and how it can be prevented.

An interesting fact Winston Churchill throughout his life, struggled with psoriasis and promised to install the gold monument to the doctor, which would make her husband the puzzle of the disease and find effective treatment. Unfortunately, reward, and found its owner.

For that appears to psoriasis?

The precise reasons that science does not know, however, by years of study of the problem have formed several hypotheses:

  • A theory.
  • All the matter in the increase of concentration of T lymphocytes, which leads to an inflammation of the affected area of the skin. The body as if starts to realize his own skin, in the role of aggressor.
  • There must be an inheritance for the theory,
  • which explains psoriasis, a defect in the DNA.
  • The endocrine theory,
  • according to which psoriasis occurs due to an abnormal functioning of the system of internal secretion, particularly of the hypophysis and of the thyroid.
  • Exchange theory.
  • Scientists have discovered that the psoriasis patients, problems with accumulationis lipidorum and nitrogenous exchange, as well as the increase in the content of toxins in the body.

All of these theories have the right to exist, but until now none have been proven fully. Therefore, a treatment of psoriasis reduce the manifestations of symptoms, reducing disease recurrence and full recovery of the body.

The purpose Symptoms similar to the symptoms of psoriasis, thoroughly documented yet in the roman doctors treated. However, in those times, psoriasis often confused with other skin diseases from a source completely different. For the first time, the psoriasis was recognized as an independent disease only in 1799, and at the end of the 19th century, doctors have shown its non-communicable nature.

Who is affected by the disease?

Psoriasis does not distinguish between the sexes also often suffer from women and men. Normally the psoriasis manifests itself at an early age — the peak has 15-25 years. However, if you don't have been psoriasis in the youth, this does not mean that the danger has passed — sometimes, the first manifestation of psoriasis appears with age around 50 to 60 years. The good news is that human beings, confronted with psoriasis in age later, this disease is lower than the express.

If one of the parents suffers from psoriasis, the risk of the appearance of the disease in children is approximately 25%, and if both — 60%. However, psoriasis sufferers, and children of parents who never with this nuisance have not found.

According to statistics, more often than psoriasis affects people of thin and luminous, the skin is dry.

The first symptoms of the disease

Psoriasis begins quietly: in the first phase of the development of the disease affects small areas of the skin, usually in the folds of the limbs, scalp, and along a line of growth of hair. Sometimes, the first signs of psoriasis occur at constant mechanical irritation of the skin, simply put, there where the clothing presses, and months. First, the person feels itching and feeling of tightness of the skin, and then appear small rising of islets reddish, scaly skin. On these points, arise the gray dead flaking skin, similar to the wax chips, which are easily separated. Sometimes the platelets are wet, on its surface formed platy flakes-crusted yellowish. When you delete the last exposed weeping, bleeding surface. Gradually, the plaques grow and merge with each other, hit all the major areas of the skin.

Signs of various types of psoriasis

There are different types of psoriasis:

Dermatitis psoriasis. Occurs most often on the scalp. It manifests as itching and peeling, extends over an area behind the ears and the skin along the line of growth of hair.

Exudative psoriasis. With this type of skin psoriasis affected not only chips, but, and wet, and the surface of the papules (nodules, rash) appear crusty yellowish.

Intertriginoznoy psoriasis. It is more typical for children. With this type of psoriasis plaque bright red, with little bark (if not missing). Sometimes catch damp. Parents, often mistaken this type of psoriasis, with intertriginös.

Plantar psoriasis. Occurs in soles and palms. It manifests as thickening of the skin, dry, cracked.

Age psoriasis is manifested by large plates that do not spend much time, sometimes they arise from neoplasms — warts and papilloma.

Rupioidny psoriasis — one of the forms of age psoriasis. The badge appear scabs, and gradually these charges are the responsibility becomes greater, taking the form of a cone.

The guttate psoriasis is characterized by abundant rash consisting of small papules.

Psoriasis nail plates (psoriatic onychite) causes the deformation of the nail, the appearance of a yellow-brownish spots. Common type of psoriasis, which occurs in 25% of patients of this disease.

Psoriasis of the mucous membranes affects the cavity of the mouth and causes the appearance of papules on the mucous membranes.

The frequency of manifestations of psoriatic arthritis

During the psoriasis in cycles. In a phase appear itchy tag or a small eruption, which gradually merge into a single point. Through the 1-4 week process of distribution of cards stops, they are covered by silvery scales. It is called the fixed phase. It should be regressive phase, when the plates, little by little disappear. However, there will be no error — this does not mean that it came to recovery. If psoriasis is not treated, it will all happen again, first, and after some time, the phase will start to change one another constantly, and the aggravation of becoming almost monthly.

Treat psoriasis can and should be. If you do not get the time to take action, psoriasis quickly enters the chronic phase, and get rid of it, it will be very difficult. For the treatment of psoriasis today are medical methods of physiotherapy, as well as local tools for outdoor application — ointments and creams for psoriasis, the effectiveness is high enough.

However, it should be noted that, before starting to use any means of psoriasis, you should consult your doctor. At a minimum, because the layman can not make the diagnosis independently.

What is important to know about treatment of psoriasis?

In the early stages of development of psoriasis the main role belongs to the special outdoor features that slow down the process of division of cells, relieve inflammation, protect damaged skin from infections and soothe the itching. Particularly effective cleaning pyrithione zinc, which is also called active zinc. This substance has an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacteria and antifungal activity, reduces the allocation of histamine, reducing the itch and helps to restore the lipid mantle of the skin, restoring its barrier functionality and to reduce the sensitivity to the effects of factors harmful to the external environment. The true achievement of modern pharmacology.