How to cure psoriasis: treatment methods fast

Common dermatological disease continues to be studied until the end, so the question of how to cure the psoriasis is relevant up to now. The treatment of this pathology, which each year is a perfection, but to cure the psoriasis is to always, it is still considered impossible. The action of doctors for the realization of control over the disease, decrease exacerbations, relief of the current.

General recommendations for patients with psoriasis


People who suffer from psoriasis, in addition to drug use, and outdoor treatment must adhere to a set of rules in your daily life. Careful of taking care of yourself, healthy skin and the dead sectors quickly overcome the worsening of the disease.

Patients must perform the following recommendations:

  • General features one should always keep in a wetted state, to prevent cracking and infection.
  • With the help of special creams, which must approve the physician must take depart fries. This should be done very carefully to not damage the epidermis and do not cause a new aggravation.
  • The patient is required to follow the appointment of a doctor and report him, if the tool does not help. In the treatment of psoriasis is a quirk: the one that helps the other, can be absolutely useless for another.
  • If a person tries to get rid of the disease alone, it needs to start a therapy with more than simple means and gradually complicate the treatment.
  • All medical therapies should be carried out according to your schedule.
  • Do not self-treat serious forms of psoriasis. When you are prompted to pain in the joints, common signs of diseases, you should immediately contact your doctor. More often than not therapy is carried out in a hospital environment.
  • To quickly cure the psoriasis, the need to maximize the protect the epidermis of the infectious infiltration, mechanical damage and other influences. When you see any dermatoses, even in period of remission, you need as fast as possible to get rid of it.
  • It is not possible to avoid the exposure to sunlight excessive skin. Despite the fact that psoriasis treat the purchase, the excess of it is detrimental to infected areas.
  • When the location of the disease on the scalp therapeutic activities should be directed to the skin, and not on the hair.
  • Nails patients should be short shorn. This is the prevention of injuries to the nails".
  • Be careful when you accept any medical tools, as well as some are much worse during psoriasis.
  • In everyday life, it should be possible to limit the effect on the skin of chemical products: household chemicals, cosmetics. If you suffered from the scalp, shampoos, should be natural.
  • The emotional state of the patients should be so positive. Should avoid stress and nervous tension.
  • Patients should practice physical and mental exercises. Observe a healthy lifestyle. Typically, fully eat, exclude from your diet.

Local treatment

Fast for the treatment of psoriasis are different ointments. They are the core of therapy of any form of disease. An alternative are considered to be a variety of cream, the essence of which is exactly the same.

The use of ointment in the different stages of psoriasis is directed to certain mechanisms of progression of pathology, as well door mirror treatment is considered to be pathogenetic.

The main effects, that have different ointment:

  • Anti-inflammatory action;
  • The excessive loss of regeneration of skin cells;
  • The increase in the speed of healing skin;
  • Remove the itching;
  • Anti-septic action.
All means of the treatment of psoriasis are divided into two major groups: hormonal and non-hormonal.

Hormonal ointment

These charges are the responsibility

Are used severe psoriasis, as well as to exert strong anti-inflammatory action. Often the support system of therapy. Resource hormonal means – the existence of a large number of adverse effects.

The main side-effects:

  • The gain of irritation of the skin;
  • The appearance of eczema;
  • Atrophic changes in the skin;
  • The systematic exposition on the internal organs (long term use);
  • Addictive (this will occur the action develops-is always, therefore, abruptly stop using the ointment is not possible, you should gradually decrease the multiplicity and the number of tools).

Despite the aggressiveness hormonal ointments, sometimes, its use is necessary. Use of medicines under strict medical control, for fulfilling all of its precepts. Today the pharmaceutical market hormonal ointments much, however, they all have the same effective substance.

Method non-hormonal ointment

With the non-hormonal ointments can also effectively treat psoriasis. Unlike hormones, these drugs have fewer side effects and are in all cases, the development of the disease.

The most efficient means:

  • The ointment to the base of salicylic acid. Has a pronounced antiseptic effect. In addition, it is applied to reduce the degree of the peel. The tool contributes to the lag scales.
  • Zinc ointment. Those who already did, in practice, the skin, relieves the inflammation, have adsorbent properties. The tool is an efficient barrier that protects the affected area of the external impact.
  • The ointment with the contents of the tar. The lubrication of the plate according to the drug should be taken care of each day and increasing the dose, as well as tar, irritating. In addition, during the use of ointments you should avoid the sun's rays that can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Ointment with a content of vitamin D. the action of tools of reduction of speed, the division of skin cells. Applies in-phase progression. Effect of increase occurs at the same time that the application of UV lamps. It is contraindicated to use along with the salicylic of ointments.
  • The ointment with the oil of the component. The tool when the psoriasis reduces the itching and promotes exfoliation scales. Also, the ointment has anesthetic effect. Apply the medicine carefully, as it has many side effects.
  • Ointment with vitamins. Such tools have a poor performance, however, are well suited to facilitate the flow of psoriasis. Have no side effects, have a multitude of influences on the skin and the whole body in general.
  • Ointment grease. Very strong medicine to help get rid of psoriasis through a deep penetration into the tissue. It is used with caution and in small doses that gradually increase, if the person tolerates the components of the ointments.

Also help in the treatment of psoriasis can drugs of folk medicine. In addition to the ointments, it is possible to apply a variety of lotions, poultices and medicinal trays. However, before you try the non-conventional tool, you should consult a doctor.

The system of medicines


If the treatment is not sufficient, then, in addition to are assigned to the oral medication. In rare cases, when particularly serious psoriasis drugs are parenteral.

The main groups of drugs for the treatment of psoriasis:

  • Anti-histamines. To relieve the itching, reduce the permeability of blood vessels, and have in common antiallergic action.
  • Sedatives. As well as proven psychic side of developing the disease, in case of expressed symptoms of anxiety, emotional stress prescribe anti-anxiety medications. They must provide soft relaxing effect.
  • The enzymes. In the case of the impact of psoriasis on internal organs, applies to replacement therapy.
  • Hepatoprotectors. Are used not only to protect the liver of the disease itself, but also as builders of the adverse effects of other drugs.
  • Detoxification. Emit harmful substances from the body, which contributes to a more rapid recovery.
  • Antibiotics. Are used only if they occurred the accession of secondary infection. For the treatment of the disease are absolutely useless. The data reception means, without the direct assignment of a physician is denied.
  • Corticosteroids and). The use of drugs is appropriate only when severe psoriasis, as well as in the absence of effects from other types of treatment. The reception must be fully painted doctor. Do not abruptly discontinue the use of medication, as well as going to be the withdrawal syndrome.

Also, in systematic, are used mixtures of different herbs, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Are used plants, putting out the sources of toxins, strengthen the body.

Techniques of physiotherapy

For the treatment of psoriasis using a variety of techniques of physical therapy. The most effective are considered photochemotherapy of techniques, which include:

  • Uv lamps. The radiation acts on the cells of the epidermis and the deeper tissue, which normalizes the rate of their division, exerting an anti-inflammatory effect. Decreases the reactivity and immune response in the exposed area, which contributes to the rapid regression of psoriasis.
  • PUVA therapy. Effectively used for the treatment of even severe forms of pathology, but has a number of side effects.
  • The therapy laser. Relatively new treatment technique, which is sent to the impact of ultraviolet radiation on the affected area of the skin without damaging healthy tissues. The dignity of the laser treatment – the almost complete absence of side effects.

Enjoy any one of the methods of physical therapy alone does not recommends the experienced practitioner to say that the healing of the psoriasis is, in your case the disease. In some cases, the disease occurs due to excess exposure to the sun, therefore, the application of photochemical techniques is strictly contraindicated.

Sometimes, the doctor prescribes plazmoforez, which involves the purification of the blood with the help of a special device. Applies exclusively in the hospital environment and has a high effect. Occurs the excretion of the body of different toxins and substances unnecessary. However, this technique is not conducive to the long period of remission, so it is used only when it is extremely severe psoriasis.

It is also possible the application of acupuncture. It is an ancient eastern technique of treatment of different pathologies, which should be removed only by a master. The effect of treatment is not proven, however the positive reviews about it has.

Of great importance in the treatment of psoriasis has a spa treatment. Depending on the form of the disease and its characteristics, the doctor can assign different sanatoriums. The base of each one of them is hot do the climate and the existence of procedures aimed to facilitate the flow of psoriasis.

So how to cure psoriasis forever is impossible, the treatment should be designed to increase the duration of recurrence, relief of the current pathology and the elimination of the symptoms. The basis for the choice of the method of therapy is an individual approach to each case of the disease.