The main forms and ways of dealing with psoriasis on hands

Psoriasis in hands up to now still is not up to the end studied the disease. Pharmacovigilance the industry has created tools to help with efficiency of 100% to get rid of the symptoms of the pathology. The most frequently diagnosed psoriasis in the fingers of the hands. This disease is not considered to be a mortal, but when the execution of forms of delivery the mass troublesome symptoms of the patient. The disease can cause complications, such as psoriatic arthritis and problems of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, you need to know how, and that the cure of psoriasis on the hands when the first signs.


Types of diseases

Pathology manifests itself in different symptomatic painting depending on the shape of the current of disease and location of eruptions. To recognize the type of the disease, it is important to know, that is different in a different way than the other.

Psoriasis on the fingers of the hands. When the disease affected area look like small flakes. To the extent that the development of the problem, these areas inflamed. Symptomatic condition worsens in the period of autumn-winter, when in the human body may occur lack of vitamins and minerals.

The defeat in the palms of the hands. This form is diagnosed in 25% of all cases. The typical symptoms of psoriasis hands – огрубение of the skin, appearance of patches of external characteristics similar to those of corn. Outbreaks of lesions strongly with the itch, bringing the discomfort of the patient.

Psoriasis on the palms of the hands. In the group of risk of disease are the people who experience regular physical activities. The first symptoms manifest themselves in small patches, covered in silvery crust. Later, small papules turn into psoriatic arthritis large. In the absence of therapeutic rainfall events to surprise the side surface of the palms of the hands. Psoriasis, which form in the palms of the hands, accompanied by regular itching, which eventually becomes the cause of sleep disturbances and nervousness of the patient.

Artropaticheskiy the type of problem the most serious form of the disease, in which they are surprised with the joints. In the early stages of the development of the disease are surprised with the bony structures and, then, the pathological process involving more than large joints. A characteristic symptom of this type of disease – pain in the bones, not accompanied by abnormal patches on the skin.

Pustuleznyy psoriasis. The disease develops in the midst of the migrated pathologies, infectious, strong emotional experiences, hormonal or failures in the body. The precipitation look like small ulcers with clear boundaries. More often the rash is located in the vastness of the thumb and the little finger. If the patient does not observe the general deterioration of health.

Psoriaticheskaya eritrodermiya. Pathology manifests itself at the bottom of a usual form of a disease when exposed to irritants. A difference of this type of problem from others is that precipitation is spread throughout the body. eritrodermiya flows in the midst of a strong deterioration of well-being, and inflammation of the lymph nodes regional.

Psoriasis is not passed on the only way. Therefore, be wary of infection and a sick person is not worth it.

The causes and the symptoms of the disease

The mechanism of development of psoriasis has not yet been explored fully. The doctors point to several reasons for the infection, and predisposing disease factors. A category of professionals relates to the pathology of auto-immune to abuse on the body, the other to the hereditary forms of diseases and compromise the functioning of the nervous system.

Among the reasons for the psoriasis also point out:

  • poisoning;
  • weakening the body's defenses;
  • a diet unbalanced;
  • bad habits;
  • frequent stress situations;
  • allergies;
  • transferred from the pathology of viral, fungal or bacterial nature;
  • the climate change time;
  • the prolonged intake of some groups of drugs – antibiotics, beta-blockers, antidepressants.

A predisposing factor to the onset of psoriasis in the hands is the excess of hygiene. Cosmetics and dust cloths private skin natural protection are the cause of injury in its surface.

In its development the issue goes through 4 phases:

  • The initial phase. The disease manifests itself in small patches in the hands. Papules have sharp edges and smooth surface. Psoriasis in the initial phase of similar with the common warts on the hands. After a few days of rainfall they grow up and begin to peel. At the beginning of the development of the pathology papules are located between the fingers, and then spread to other areas.
  • Progressing phase. Observes the emergence of new eruptions on the skin of the hands. The spots become more vivid. The main reason for this phase problems – minor damage of the epidermis.
  • Fixed the stage. Period characterized by reduction of the clinical picture of the disease – stops exfoliation of the skin and rashes acquire a bluish tone.
  • Regressivnaya phase. The main symptoms of the period – a cessation of complete desquamation of the epidermis, resorption papules.

In the photo you can see how is the psoriasis at each of the stages of development. If you suspect a problem important to immediately consult a specialist and do not self-medicate. To identify the existence of problems also allow the typical symptoms of psoriasis:

  • the greater dryness of the epidermis;
  • the thickening of the surface of the skin;
  • cracks eruptions;
  • the emergence of calluses elements, in the center of the plate;
  • the fusion of individual papules in the common injury.

The defeat of nails симптоматике different from psoriasis on the hands. The characteristic features of this type of disease – the thickening of the plate and the package. The color of the nail changes, and through them, one can consider the rainfall, framed in bright red, the rim.

Patients confused with psoriasis eczema on hands, though, it is completely different, the skin disease. The main difference between the pathologies that, when eczema outbreaks injury blurred, and when this disease precipitation have clear boundaries.

Treatment options


The treatment of psoriasis on the hands should occur under the supervision of a dermatologist.

The lack of symptoms of the problems of long time total indicates healing. Experts believe that to heal the pathology until the end will not be able to, but it is possible to achieve a long remission.

The treatment of psoriasis in hands includes:

  • the use of drugs local action (creams, ointments, balms);
  • acquisition of oral drugs;
  • the physical therapy treatment.

Many patients ask – how to treat psoriatic arthritis. The schema of therapy for this type of problem has the same appearance as with the other types of psoriasis.

The local treatment

For the symptomatic relief of the painting use the ointment in psoriasis:

  • Hormonal. The main effect of the application of resources – reduction of inflammation, removing pain and itching.
  • A method of non-hormonal. The drugs diminish the symptoms of the pathology, not causing side effects; therefore it is allowable to use for the treatment of psoriasis in children.
  • Homeopathic. Are assigned to the problem, сопровождающейся strong, peeling of the skin. Medicines are especially effective when there is damage to the joints.

Medicines the total of the action

Медикаментозная combat the signs of disease is accomplished through:

  • Antihistamines funds.
  • The b complex vitamins, and Е.
  • A psychostimulant.
  • Иммуномодуляторов.

That the cure of psoriasis on hands in any case, defines the expert. The doctor combines drugs therefore, to obtain the best result of your application.

Physical therapy in psoriasis

Physical therapy is prescribed for all kinds of problems. Techniques allow to reduce the time of worsening of the symptoms, prevent the development of effects. With the aim of facilitating signal problems patient, as is commonly prescribed for:

  • криотерапию;
  • uv-radiation;
  • girudoterapiya;
  • the treatment with laser;
  • радоновые of the bath;
  • appliques with paraffin;
  • elektroson;
  • PUVA therapy

The laser therapy promotes rapid recovery and regeneration of damaged areas of the skin. Manipulations are carried out under the supervision of a doctor, which regulates the depth of penetration of the beam. The technique gives an effect, even when the execution stages of the disease.

PUVA treatment combines in itself the 2 techniques of exposure in the affected areas – the ultraviolet radiation and fotosensibilizatory. A way that strengthens the therapeutic result of the other. To achieve a visible result you will need 20 to 25 sessions of PUVA therapy.

The core principal of the cryotherapy – the impact of the damaged areas low temperatures. The method is applied to reduce the number of cards in the hands, and a lengthening of the duration of remission of the pathology. Криотерапию recommend the patients who have frequent recurrences of psoriasis.

The prevention and advice popular

Psoriasis in hands manifests itself more frequently than in other locations of the body. To avoid the repetition of the manifestation of signs of the disease should adhere to the prevention rules:

  • do house cleaning wearing rubber gloves;
  • use moisturizers for your hands;
  • avoid contact with the means that have aggressive chemical composition;
  • resorting to a dermatologist when the manifestation of the first signs of psoriasis;
  • withdraw from alcohol and tobacco;
  • exclude from the menu fried and greasy dishes.

To achieve a long remission of the pathology can be with the help of remedies for psoriasis. The main advantage of this treatment, to a minimum the risk of occurrence of adverse reactions. Therefore, folk recipes can be used to deal with the issue of child and woman in the state.

The following is a list of the most popular recipes of alternative medicine when psoriasis on hands:

  • Herbal infusion for oral administration: in equal quantities mix nettle leaves, lingon, marigold, and field horsetail. Herbal ingredients, pour in water (500 ml), mixed with 1 ст. л. honey. Before you start this treatment you need to check if there is no allergy to honey.
  • Herbal bath. The basis of st. john's wort, classes and chistotela prepare the bath: by a handful of each ingredient vegetable is added in a pan and pour 1 liter of water. The mixture is boiled on a low fire for about 30 minutes, and then insist to cool. The hands are bathed in a decoction of herbs for 20 to 25 minutes, and then просушивают them without the use of towels.
  • The ointment to the base of the tar of the birch – an effective way of dealing with ladonno-podoshvennyy type of pathology in the home. The drug is preparing for the following recipe: a small amount of active ingredient, pour the butter. The ointment is applied on the plate of an unlimited number of times.

Even while respecting all the rules of prevention, it is not possible to forget that, as it seems to psoriasis. All the techniques of treatment – medical, popular, and physical therapy give only a temporary relief of the state. By following the rules of prevention and properly developed scheme of therapy depends on the duration of remission of the problem.

If you have helpful information from an article about the therapy of psoriasis, to accept him in social networks. Share your recipes, on how to treat psoriasis on the hands and leave them in the comments to the article.


Comments of the users about the treatment

Light, г. Moscow: Psoriasis in hands disease неизлечимое. Occasionally, it changes, with periods of exacerbations and remissions. The deterioration of the skin is particularly evident after the stress and the consumption of fried or smoked products. Hormonal medication give the effect, but, unfortunately, for a long time. Cream relieve the symptoms of the disease prolonged and regular use. Combining chemotherapy with ointment, diet, and psychological, peace-of-mind, you can extend the period of remission of the problem.

Tamara, г. Nizhny Novgorod: to Cure psoriasis on hands helps the following recipe: crude protein, chicken, eggs rubbed in the location of faults several times a day. After you apply this tool, after a few days can increase the itching, and burning, thus a local treatment of areas of defeat, it is better to combine with the intake of anti-histamines. The therapy also complement the intake of medications containing calcium д3. Is visible the result can be felt through 2 weeks after this treatment regimen.

Anatoly, г. Samara: Avoid the recurrence of psoriasis on the hands help the simple rules:

  • A complete elimination of the alcohol, the spices sweet and savory.
  • The regular intake of enterosorbentov 2-3 times a day.
  • Receiving fish oil by 1 ч. л. three times per day.
  • A good night's sleep.
  • The treatment of degraded areas non-hormonal drugs
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, and containing tar.
  • The use of moisturizing cream for the hands.

It should be noted that the similar activities and just allow the time to contain the manifestation of acute symptoms problems.